Black Bengal Goat Best Goat Breed for Farming

Black Bengal Goat General Information

I will tell you about the Black Bengal gold goat which is considered to be the best goat in the world. This breed is found in Bangladesh and Indian areas like Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal, it has mainly black coat colour. It is found in brown, white and grey colours but the black coat colour is most common. This breed is famous for meat production. This breed has an extremely low ability to produce milk. The male goat has 25 to 30 kilogrammes of weight and the female Bengal has 20 to 25 kilogrammes of weight. They reach the maturity level earlier and deliver a minimum of three kids at each birth.


Black Bengal Goat Food

Because of the curious nature of animals they can eat a variety of feed sources which are bitter, sweet, salty, and sour in taste. They can eat leguminous feed like Lobia, myrcene, garlic, etc with taste and enjoyment. Mainly they like to eat fodder which gives them energy and are rich in protein. They usually have a habit to spoil their food because they did urine in the feeding place. Therefore the special types of feeding places are made to protect food from spoilage.

Other Information of Black Bengal Goat

Black Bengal Goat produces high-quality meat and skin and is preferred for the skin and high prolificacy rate. This breed plays a very important role in reducing unemployment and poverty from Bangladesh, for they can eat most vegetables, grasses and leaves but a high amount of carrots is fatal to them.


In this article, we also try to answer the following questions.

  1. How Black Bengal Goat looks?
  2. What is the origin of the Black Bengal Goat?
  3. What does Black Bengal Goat like to eat?
  4. How much meat we can get from Black Bengal Goat?
  5. What is the raring purpose of Black Bengal Goat?
  6. How much weight of Black Bengal Goat?
  7. What are the food sources of Black Bengal Goat?
  8. How many kids Black Bengal Goat delivers at each birth?
  9. What is the maximum weight of a black Bengal goat?
  10. What are the Characteristics of Black Bengal Goat?

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