Large Dairy Farms in the United States: A Guide to Leading Providers of Fresh Milk


The United States is home to some of the world’s largest dairy farms, producing fresh and nutritious milk for millions of people every day. These large dairy farms are known for their commitment to quality, efficiency, and animal welfare, making them some of the best providers of dairy products in the world. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the leading large dairy farms in the United States.

Fair Oaks Farms:

Located in Fair Oaks, Indiana, Fair Oaks Farms is one of the largest dairy farms in the United States. With over 30,000 cows, the farm is dedicated to producing high-quality milk that is safe, nutritious, and delicious. Fair Oaks Farms is also known for its commitment to sustainability, using renewable energy sources and implementing environmentally-friendly practices throughout the farm.

Harris Dairy Farm:

Harris Dairy Farm is a family-owned and operated dairy farm located in Stanfield, Arizona. With over 10,000 cows, the farm produces a significant portion of the state’s milk supply, providing fresh and nutritious milk to the local community. Harris Dairy Farm is known for its commitment to animal welfare, ensuring that its cows are treated with kindness and respect, and for its use of modern technologies to produce high-quality milk efficiently.

Lakeview Dairy Farm:

Located in Wisconsin, Lakeview Dairy Farm is one of the largest dairy farms in the United States. With over 20,000 cows, the farm produces a significant portion of the state’s milk supply, providing fresh and nutritious milk to the local community. Lakeview Dairy Farm is known for its commitment to sustainability, using renewable energy sources and implementing environmentally-friendly practices throughout the farm.

Smith Farms Dairy:

Smith Farms Dairy is a family-owned and operated dairy farm located in New York. With over 15,000 cows, the farm produces a significant portion of the state’s milk supply, providing fresh and nutritious milk to the local community. Smith Farms Dairy is known for its commitment to animal welfare, ensuring that its cows are treated with kindness and respect, and for its use of modern technologies to produce high-quality milk efficiently.


Large dairy farms in the United States play a vital role in providing fresh and nutritious milk to millions of people every day. These farms are known for their commitment to quality, efficiency, and animal welfare, making them some of the best providers of dairy products in the world. To learn more about large dairy farms in the United States, visit our website today.

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