Beetal Pakistani Goat: Characteristics and Benefits for Farmers


Goats are an important source of livelihood for many farmers in Pakistan. They are valued for their meat, milk, and skin, and are also used for their manure as fertilizer. One of the most popular breeds of goats in Pakistan is the Beetal goat. This breed is known for its large size, distinctive appearance, and high productivity. In this article, we will take a closer look at the characteristics and benefits of the Beetal goat, and why it is a valuable addition to any farm or household.

How Do You Identify a Beetal Goat?

Beetal goats are easily recognizable due to their distinctive features and appearance. Here are some ways to identify a Beetal goat:

  1. Size: Beetal goats are medium to large in size, with adult males weighing up to 120 kilograms and adult females weighing up to 80 kilograms.
  2. Coat: Beetal goats have a short, dense coat that is usually red, brown, or black in color, with white markings on the legs and face.
  3. Horns: Beetal goats have large, curved horns that can grow up to 12 inches long. The horns are an identifying feature of this breed and are a key characteristic to look for when identifying a Beetal goat.
  4. Ears: Beetal goats have long, drooping ears that are a distinctive feature of this breed. The ears are often white in color and have black tips.
  5. Body Shape: Beetal goats have a muscular, well-proportioned body with a rounded appearance. They have a deep chest and a wide, sturdy back, which is another identifying feature of this breed.
  6. Disposition: Beetal goats are friendly and curious by nature, and are known for their playful and affectionate personality.

Characteristics of Beetal Goats

Appearance of Beetal Goat

Beetal goats are large in size, with an average weight of around 80-100 kg for males and 50-60 kg for females. They have a distinctive roman nose and long drooping ears, which are covered with hair. The coat of the Beetal goat is usually brown or black, and is short and smooth. They have a muscular and well-proportioned body, making them a hardy breed.

Personality of Beetal Goat

Beetal goats are known for their friendly and docile nature. They are easy to handle, making them an ideal choice for pet owners or hobby farmers. They are also relatively low-maintenance, as they do not require a lot of specialized care or attention.

Milk Production of Beetal Goat

Beetal goats are known for their high milk production, with an average daily yield of around 2-3 liters. This makes them an attractive option for dairy farmers looking to supplement their income. The milk from Beetal goats is rich in fat and protein, making it ideal for making cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products.

Meat Quality of Beetal Goat

In addition to their high milk production, Beetal goats are also prized for their meat quality. The meat is tender and juicy, with a rich flavor. This makes them an ideal choice for farmers looking to raise goats for meat production. The high meat to bone ratio of the Beetal goat means that farmers can maximize their profits by getting more meat from each animal.

The Adaptability of Beetal Goat

Beetal goats are well-adapted to hot climates, making them a good choice for farmers in regions with warm temperatures. They are also relatively hardy, and can withstand conditions that might be challenging for other breeds of goats. This means that farmers can raise Beetal goats with less investment in specialized care and facilities.

Resistance to Diseases of Beetal Goat

Beetal goats are known for their resistance to diseases, making them a low-maintenance option for farmers. They are less prone to common goat diseases such as mastitis, and are also resistant to parasites and other pests. This means that farmers can focus on maximizing their productivity and profits, without worrying about disease outbreaks or costly veterinary bills.

Benefits of Raising Beetal Goats

Income Generation The high milk and meat production of Beetal goats makes them an attractive option for farmers looking to supplement their income. Whether you are a dairy farmer looking to sell milk, or a meat producer looking to sell goat meat, the Beetal goat is an excellent choice. With the right management and care, Beetal goats can be a valuable source of income for farmers and households.

Ease of Management

The friendly and docile nature of Beetal goats, combined with their low maintenance requirements, makes them an ideal choice for farmers who do not have a lot of time or resources to devote to goat care. They are easy to handle, and do not require a lot of specialized care or facilities. This means that farmers can focus on maximizing their productivity, without having to worry about the time and cost of goat care.

Adaptability to Different Climates

The ability of the Beetal goat to adapt to hot climates makes it a valuable option for farmers in regions with warm temperatures. Their hardiness means that they can withstand conditions that might be challenging for other breeds of goats, and this, in turn, means that farmers can raise them with less investment in specialized care and facilities. This makes the Beetal goat an ideal option for farmers who are looking for a breed that is easy to manage and can thrive in their local climate.

Fertilizer for Soil

The manure produced by Beetal goats is an excellent source of fertilizer, which can be used to enrich the soil and improve crop yields. The high-quality fertilizer produced by Beetal goats is a valuable resource for farmers, and can be used to increase the productivity of their land without the need for additional investments in chemical fertilizers. By choosing to raise Beetal goats, farmers can take advantage of this valuable resource, and improve the health of their soil and crops.

Which is Better Beetal Goat or Sirohi Goat?

The comparison of Beetal and Sirohi goats depends on various factors, such as the purpose of farming, local climate, and personal preference.

If you are looking for a breed with high milk production, then Sirohi goats are a better choice, as they are known for their high milk yield.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a breed that is hardy and can adapt to hot climates, then Beetal goats are a better option, as they are well-suited to warm temperatures and are less susceptible to common goat diseases.

In terms of appearance, both breeds have distinctive features and are popular among farmers. Ultimately, the choice between Beetal and Sirohi goats will depend on your specific needs and the conditions in your area. It’s recommended to research both breeds, consider your own requirements, and make an informed decision.



In conclusion, the Beetal goat is a valuable addition to any farm or household. With its distinctive appearance, friendly personality, and high productivity, this breed is an attractive option for farmers looking to supplement their income. Whether you are a dairy farmer, meat producer, or hobby farmer, the Beetal goat offers a range of benefits that make it an ideal choice. By choosing to raise Beetal goats, farmers can enjoy the benefits of a hardy, healthy, and productive breed, and can take advantage of the valuable resources that these goats provide.


Maximizing Profits in Goat Farming: A Guide for Indian Farmers

Goat farming in India has seen a significant rise in recent years as it has become a profitable business for many farmers. With proper care, management, and marketing strategies, farmers can maximize their profits and achieve sustainable growth in the goat farming industry. In this article, we will discuss some important aspects of goat farming in India and how farmers can increase their profits.

Goat Farming in India an Introduction

Goat farming is one of the most profitable agribusinesses in India. With a growing demand for goat meat, milk, and skin, many farmers are taking advantage of this opportunity. Goats are hardy animals that can adapt to different climatic conditions, making them ideal for small-scale farmers who have limited resources. In this guide, we will discuss the different factors that influence the profitability of goat farming in India and the steps farmers can take to increase their profits.

Factors that Influence Profitability in Goat Farming

  1. Breed Selection

The type of breed you choose is one of the most important factors that determine the profitability of your goat farm. Some breeds are better suited for meat production, while others are better for milk production. The most common breeds of goats in India are the Beetal, Jamunapari, and Black Bengal. These breeds are known for their good meat and milk production, and are ideal for small-scale farmers. When selecting a breed, it is important to consider the local market demand and the climatic conditions of the area.

  1. Feed and Nutrition

Goats require a balanced diet to maintain good health and optimal production. Good quality feed and proper nutrition are critical for the growth and development of goats. Farmers should provide their goats with a balanced diet that includes a combination of forages, concentrates, and supplements. Feeding goats with poor-quality feed or inadequate nutrition can lead to reduced growth and decreased production, which will negatively impact the profitability of your farm.

  1. Health Management

Good health management is essential for the success of a goat farm. Goats are susceptible to a variety of diseases, such as pneumonia, mastitis, and parasitic infections. To prevent diseases, farmers should implement good management practices, such as regular veterinary check-ups, proper sanitation, and disease prevention measures.

  1. Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales play a crucial role in the success of a goat farm. Farmers must have a solid marketing strategy to sell their products, such as meat, milk, and skin. They should also have a good understanding of the local market demand and should target their marketing efforts accordingly. Establishing strong relationships with customers and suppliers is also critical for success in the goat farming industry.

Steps to Increase Profits in Goat Farming

  1. Improve Feed and Nutrition

Improving feed and nutrition is one of the most effective ways to increase the profitability of your goat farm. By providing your goats with a balanced diet that includes forages, concentrates, and supplements, you can improve their health, growth, and production. This will lead to increased profitability and sustainable growth for your farm.

  1. Implement Good Health Management Practices

Good health management is critical for the success of a goat farm. By implementing good management practices, such as regular veterinary check-ups, proper sanitation, and disease prevention measures, farmers can prevent diseases and maintain the health of their goats. This will lead to increased production and profits.

  1. Diversify Your Products

Diversifying your products is another effective way to increase profits in goat farming. By producing and selling multiple products, such as meat, milk, and skin, farmers can increase their revenue and reduce their risk.

  1. Utilize Modern Technology

Modern technology can play a crucial role in improving the efficiency and profitability of your goat farm. From automation systems for feed and water distribution to using GPS tracking devices for monitoring herd movements, technology can help farmers save time and resources while improving production.

  1. Provide Proper Housing and Shelter

Proper housing and shelter are essential for the health and well-being of your goats. Farmers should provide their goats with comfortable and secure housing that is well-ventilated, dry, and protected from extreme weather conditions. This will help to minimize stress and improve production, leading to increased profits.

  1. Develop Strong Relationships with Customers and Suppliers

Developing strong relationships with customers and suppliers can help to improve the profitability of your goat farm. By building trust and establishing long-term partnerships, farmers can ensure a steady demand for their products, secure reliable supplies of feed and other inputs, and negotiate better prices for their products.

  1. Invest in Research and Development

Investing in research and development is another key aspect of maximizing profits in goat farming. By staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in goat farming practices, farmers can improve their production techniques, develop new products, and stay ahead of the competition.

Is goat farming profitable in India?

Yes, goat farming can be profitable in India. With a growing demand for goat meat, milk, and skin, goat farming has become a profitable business for many farmers. However, the profitability of goat farming depends on various factors such as breed selection, feed and nutrition, health management, marketing and sales, and efficient production practices. By considering these factors and implementing good management practices, farmers can maximize their profits and achieve sustainable growth in the goat farming industry.

The cost of starting a goat farm in India can vary depending on various factors such as the size of the farm, the number of goats, the type of housing and infrastructure, the cost of feed and inputs, and the location of the farm. On average, a small-scale goat farm with 20-50 goats can cost anywhere from INR 100,000 to INR 500,000 (approximately $1,400 to $7,000 USD). This includes the cost of purchasing goats, building housing and infrastructure, purchasing feed and inputs, and other operational costs.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the cost of starting a goat farm can vary widely depending on the specific needs and circumstances of the farmer. For example, a larger goat farm with a greater number of goats, advanced infrastructure, and higher-quality inputs may cost significantly more. It is recommended to conduct a thorough cost analysis and budgeting before starting a goat farm in India.

Top Tips for Goat Farming

  1. Conduct thorough market research to identify profitable niche markets and target customers.
  2. Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and projected financials.
  3. Choose the right breeds for your operation based on your goals and the local market demands.
  4. Implement a proper nutrition and feeding program to maintain the health and productivity of your goats.
  5. Invest in high-quality housing, fencing, and other infrastructure to ensure the well-being of your herd.
  6. Utilize efficient record-keeping systems to track expenses, production, and sales.
  7. Develop a strategy for managing disease and parasites to maintain the health of your herd and minimize losses.
  8. Maintain good relationships with suppliers, buyers, and other stakeholders in the industry.
  9. Consider the use of genetic improvement programs, such as breeding and selection, to improve the productivity and quality of your goats.
  10. Participate in local and national fairs and exhibitions to showcase your products and skills.
  11. Evaluate the opportunities for exporting your products to international markets to expand your reach and increase profits.
  12. Utilize modern tools and techniques, such as data analytics and machine learning, to make informed decisions and improve efficiency.
  13. Continuously evaluate and adapt your operations to stay ahead of industry trends and changes in the market.


Goat farming in India can be a profitable and sustainable business for farmers who implement good management practices and make strategic investments. By selecting the right breed, providing proper nutrition and health care, diversifying products, utilizing technology, and building strong relationships with customers and suppliers, farmers can maximize their profits and achieve long-term success in the goat farming industry.

Online Qurbani in Pakistan

Online Qurbani has revolutionized the way Muslims in Pakistan fulfill their religious obligation of sacrificing an animal during Eid al-Adha. With the convenience of booking through a website or mobile app, individuals can select their preferred animal, weight, and location for the sacrifice to be performed on their behalf. In this blog article, we will delve into the details of online Qurbani in Pakistan, including the benefits, process, and assurance of meat distribution to those in need.

‘Eid-ul-Adha is just around the corner, and you don’t want to miss out on the blessings that come with Qurbani. But what if you’re not in Pakistan? Don’t worry, because now you can perform Qurbani online! In this blog post, we’ll cover how you can do just that – order your Qurbani through an online service in Pakistan.

Qurbani – A Gratitude of Faith

Qurbani is a way for Muslims to express their gratitude for all the blessings they have been given. It is an act of giving back to society, and donating to those in need. During the annual festival of Eid-ul-Adha, Muslims around the world engage in qurbani, or animal sacrifice, which is a reminder of Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to make a great sacrifice in order to show his loyalty and devotion to Allah (SWT). By donating meat to the needy through qurbani, Muslims are actively helping others while also remembering Allah’s mercy and generosity. Qurbani is a way for us to demonstrate our faith and be thankful for all that Allah has bestowed upon us.

Online Qurbani in Pakistan

Online Qurbani in Pakistan has made things easier and convenient for those who want to offer sacrifice on the day of Eid al-Adha. There are many online services that provide the opportunity to book an animal online and get it delivered at your doorstep. Charities of your choice in Pakistan can be donated to, and the meat gathered as a result of slaughtering the animals will be distributed. Akhuwat, Meat One Qurbani Service, Bakra, and METRO all make sure that the process is Shariah Compliant. Furthermore, one can donate to needy and food insecure people on this Eid-al-Azha. With these services, offering Qurbani in Pakistan has become much more convenient and hassle-free.

Book Your Animal Online From Anywhere

Booking your animal online from anywhere is now made easy and convenient with the help of Qurbani app. The app allows you to buy livestock anywhere in Pakistan for free. You can post your animals on the app within 10 seconds and get genuine buyers. If you are an overseas Pakistani, you can also book your animal through the site and get it delivered to the provided address. Furthermore, you can also make Eid Qurbani 2020 easier by doing online Qurbani in Karachi through The qurbani meat will be delivered at your doorstep, making it a hassle-free experience. is also another authentic platform where you can find and book animals for Qurbani without any fuss.

Donate to Charities of Your Choice in Pakistan

Donating to charities of your choice in Pakistan is a great way to bring joy and happiness to those less fortunate. With so many options available, you can easily find the perfect charity that aligns with your values and beliefs. Whether it’s for a local cause, a global cause, or a religious one, you can rest assured that your donations are going towards good causes and helping those in need. Whether it’s through online Qurbani donations or simply giving to a charity of your choice, giving back is one of the best ways to make an impact on the lives of those less fortunate.

Akhuwat – Convenience of Online Qurbani

Akhuwat is a non-profit organization that is striving to provide the convenience of online Qurbani to Pakistanis. With their online Qurbani service, they are providing a platform that allows Roshan Digital Account holders to easily donate to various charities, give their Zakat, donate to the Ehsaas program, and fulfill their Qurbani obligations. Akhuwat provides a safe and secure environment with Shariah compliant practices for users to book their animals online from any location in the country. With Akhuwat’s simple and easy-to-use interface, users can donate for Qurbani with just a few clicks. Additionally, Akhuwat also offers meat distribution services across Pakistan in partnership with METRO Cash & Carry, ensuring that the meat is distributed amongst the needy in a Shariah compliant manner. With Akhuwat’s online Qurbani service, you can easily fulfill your religious obligations and ensure that your sacrifice reaches those who need it most.

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) is a world-renowned cancer hospital and research institute that provides treatment to needy cancer patients in Lahore and Peshawar, Pakistan. This Eid-ul-Azha, SKMCH&RC is providing a hassle-free, safe, and convenient way to donate to the charity, as well as an online Qurbani campaign that allows you to book your animal online from anywhere. Donations are accepted by the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Foundation Limited (SKMCFL) in Sydney, Australia and will be used towards the establishment of a biobanking facility at SKMCH&RC in Lahore. Additionally, Meat One Qurbani Service offers Shariah compliant practices for online Qurbani deliveries in Karachi. Moreover, Akhuwat and METRO also ensure Shariah compliant practices for their services across Pakistan.

Donate to the Needy and Food Insecure People

Donating to the needy and food insecure people is an excellent way of providing aid to those in need. This Eid al-Adha, you can show your support by donating to Share Rizq, an online charity platform. With just $700, you can donate 85-100 kgs of cow meat to 35 verified malnourished families in Pakistan. If you want to go the extra mile, you can also donate through Imran Khan Cancer Appeal or Ehsaas, two organizations that are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable in our society. You can also donate through Penny Appeal and Meat One Qurbani Service, both of which distribute food and Qurbani meat respectively to those in need. Finally, Bakra and METRO offer a convenient way of booking animals online and ensuring Shariah compliant practices respectively. Thus, by donating to these organizations this Eid al-Adha, you can give back to the less fortunate in Pakistan.

Meat One Qurbani Service – Shariah Compliant Way

Meat One Qurbani Service is a Halal and Shariah Compliant Qurbani solution that takes care of this Islamic obligation on your behalf. It offers a wide range of services, such as healthy animal selection, prompt meat delivery at your doorstep, and halal slaughtering. Their expert team of highly professional butchers ensures that the animals are slaughtered in accordance with Islamic laws and regulations. Furthermore, Meat One Qurbani Service also allows you to donate to charity of your choice in Pakistan. With the convenience of online qurbani, you can now book your animal online from anywhere in the world and get it delivered at your doorstep. Meat One Qurbani Service is the perfect way to ensure that your qurbani is done in a Shariah compliant manner.

Online Qurbani Delivery Service in Karachi

Online Qurbani Delivery Service in Karachi makes it easy and convenient to celebrate Eid ul Adha. With a variety of services available, such as Tawaqqo, Metro One, and Meat One Qurbani Service, customers can choose from a variety of options when it comes to online qurbani. These services allow customers to book their animal online from anywhere in Pakistan, as well as donate to charities of their choice. Not only that, but these services ensure that the qurbani is done according to shariah compliant practices. Additionally, Akhuwat and Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre have joined forces with online qurbani providers to provide donations to the needy and food insecure people across Pakistan. Finally, Bakra ensures that customers receive quality controlled meat delivered right to their doorstep.

Bakra – Operating Across Pakistan

Bakra is a popular online cattle market that operates across Pakistan. With their convenient online qurbani services, customers can buy and sell animals from anywhere in the country. This platform offers a wide range of animals such as cows, goats, sheep and camels at competitive prices. Moreover, they also provide information about dumba pic, cow sale, camel images and goat pic. Customers can also get the qurbani meat delivered at their doorstep. All of their services are Shariah compliant, ensuring that your qurbani is in accordance with Islamic tradition. With Bakra, you can make your Eid Qurbani 2020 easy and convenient.

METRO – Ensuring Shariah Compliant Practices

METRO is a renowned name in the industry of providing end-to-end qurbani services in Pakistan. They ensure that the entire process is carried out in a Shariah Compliant manner. From selection of animals to the sacrifice and delivery of meat, every step is taken with utmost care. METRO takes extra care to make sure that no animal is wrongfully treated and that all the sacrifices are done in an ethical and Shariah Compliant manner. The animals are also checked and evaluated before they can be bought and sacrificed. With METRO’s Qurbani services, you can be sure of getting Halal meat that complies with Islamic laws.


In conclusion, online Qurbani in Pakistan offers a safe and convenient way to perform the Islamic ritual of Qurbani during Eid al-Adha. It is important to remember that this is a special deed, bestowing devotion and gratitude towards Allah SWT. Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to donate to charities of your choice and help the needy and food insecure people. With the help of various services like Akhuwat, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Meat One Qurbani Service, Online Qurbani Delivery Service in Karachi, Bakra and METRO, one can easily book their animal online from anywhere in Pakistan. All these services are Shariah compliant and ensure quality control while delivering fresh meat to your doorstep. So this Eid al-Adha 2022, make sure you take advantage of online qurbani services for a hassle-free experience.

Types of Livestock Farming in Pakistan

Livestock farming plays a significant role in the agriculture industry of Pakistan, providing food and income to many rural communities. From dairy cattle to poultry and sheep, there are a variety of livestock species raised in the country. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the types of livestock farming practiced in Pakistan, including an overview of the most commonly raised breeds and their unique characteristics

Introduction to Livestock Farming in Pakistan

Livestock farming is an important part of Pakistan’s agriculture sector, with four main subsectors including food and fiber crops, horticulture and orchards, livestock and dairy, fisheries, and forestry. In Pakistan, large-scale farming is limited with only 6% of buffalo and 9.8% cattle population kept by farmers with more than 20 animals per household. Cattle and buffaloes are combined into milking and non-milking categories to produce milk, sheep, goats and other outputs. Traditional rural livestock production, commercial milk production and desert/rangelands are the main prevailing livestock production systems in the country. Livestock plays a vital role in the economy of Pakistan as it is a largely rural and agriculture-based industry. The population of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, camel and other livestock species in Pakistan is estimated to be around 61.89 percent of the agricultural sector and 14.04 percent of the GDP making the country the 5th largest producer of cotton in the world.

Overview of Livestock Species in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country with a wide variety of livestock species, ranging from cattle and buffalo to sheep, goats, poultry, camels and more. The most common species of livestock in Pakistan is cattle, followed by buffaloes, goats and sheep. Cattle are predominantly used for dairy production and are mainly of the Red Sindhi breed. Buffaloes are used for meat and milk production, with the Murrah and Nili-Ravi breeds being the most popular. Poultry farming is also popular in Pakistan, with chickens being the most common type of poultry raised. Goats are mainly reared for their wool or meat and the Beetal breed is the most common in Pakistan. Sheep are also raised for their wool or meat and the Kajli breed is the most popular in this regard. Lastly, camels are raised for their milk and meat and mostly consist of the Sindhi breed.

Traditional Rural Livestock Production

Traditional rural livestock production is an integral part of the economy in Pakistan, with small-holder farmers relying on their animals for income and food security. Cattle, sheep, goats, buffaloes and camels are the predominant livestock species found in rural areas, with traditional production methods still widely practiced. Herders use traditional grazing lands for their animals, often leading them to different pastures throughout the year. The wool from sheep and goats is also exported in large quantities. Local breeds of cattle are still very popular among farmers, although modern equipment and milk machines are not commonplace. With female farmers traditionally managing the livestock sector, this provides a vital source of income for many rural households.

Cattle Farming in Pakistan

Cattle farming is an important component of the livestock industry in Pakistan. Cows, buffaloes, and bulls are the primary cattle species raised in the country. Commercial dairy farms are increasingly popular due to their potential for producing high-quality milk and other dairy products. Smallholder farms are still prevalent and account for a large portion of total milk production in Pakistan. Red Sindhi cattle are the most popular breed of cattle in the country, and they produce an average yield of 1361 litres per lactation period. Smallholder farmers tend to keep 1-3 cows for subsistence purposes, with average daily yields of 1-3 litres per animal. An increasing number of farmers are turning to more intensive farming systems to maximize their yields, making use of modern technologies such as artificial insemination, feed supplements, and vaccinations. With the right support and investments, Pakistan’s livestock sector could become a major contributor to the country’s economy.

Poultry Farming in Pakistan

Poultry farming has become a major activity in Pakistan over the past few decades. It has grown from a small, traditional rural industry to a large-scale commercial enterprise. Currently, the country produces 1.94 million tons of chicken annually, with more than 15,000 farms engaged in the poultry sector. Broiler meat is the cheapest source of animal protein available in Pakistan, contributing 4.81% to agriculture growth and 9.84% to GDP in 2006-07. Imported breeds such as White Leghorn, alongside the local Desi breed, are raised on commercial farms to produce both meat and eggs. The industry is supported by government initiatives such as tax reliefs and the Punjab Poultry Production Act (10). With its strong growth potential, poultry farming presents an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to invest in this sector.

Sheep and Goat Farming in Pakistan

Sheep and goat farming are a traditional form of livestock production in Pakistan, with smallholder farmers rearing these animals for their milk, mutton, skin and wool. Sheep and goats are widely bred across both Punjab and Sindh provinces, with more than 9 million animals being slaughtered annually. According to surveys, around 12 sheep or 13 goats are owned by each household. With the rise of small and medium enterprises in the country, there are now more opportunities for modernizing these traditional livestock farming methods. This includes improved animal husbandry practices that seek to maximize the productivity and health of the animals while minimizing environmental impacts. By utilizing the latest technologies, such as GPS tracking devices, farmers can better monitor their herds and optimize the efficiency of their operations. This will provide long-term benefits to sheep and goat farmers in Pakistan, helping to ensure that these important sectors remain viable into the future.

Buffalo Farming in Pakistan

Buffalo farming is an important component of the livestock industry in Pakistan. Buffaloes are the main dairy animal in the country, contributing the largest share to total milk production. There are approximately 41.2 million buffaloes in the country and buffalo milk production accounts for 61.89 percent of agriculture and 14.04 percent of the GDP. There are a variety of breeds of buffaloes that are raised in Pakistan, with different yields and value to farmers. Buffalo farming is traditionally carried out in rural subsistence small-holder production systems, as well as in commercial farming operations. In addition to milk production, buffalo farming offers a range of products that can be sold for additional income, such as meat, hides and dung for fuel or fertilizers. Despite some challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and access to markets, buffalo farming has great potential for economic growth in Pakistan and can provide significant opportunities for farmers.

Camel Farming in Pakistan

Camel farming is an important part of the livestock industry in Pakistan. There are twenty different breeds of camels in the country, which are used for a variety of purposes, including draught work, milk production, and meat production. The camel production systems in Pakistan include migratory or nomadic, transhumant/semi migratory, and sedentary or household pastoralist. Camels have excellent growth rates and provide valuable food products such as milk, meat, and byproducts. To improve the sector, the government has implemented various initiatives to increase camel production. These initiatives include improving access to resources such as feed and vaccines, providing technical assistance to farmers, and increasing public awareness about the importance of camel farming.

Breeds of Cattle Raised in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are several breeds of cattle that are raised for dairy production and other purposes. Here are some of the most commonly raised cattle breeds in Pakistan:

  1. Sahiwal: Sahiwal is a breed of cattle that is native to Pakistan. It is a hardy breed that is well-suited to the hot and humid conditions of the country. Sahiwal cattle are known for their high milk production and are considered one of the best dairy cattle breeds in the world.
  2. Red Sindhi: The Red Sindhi breed is also native to Pakistan. It is known for its heat tolerance and resistance to diseases, making it well-suited for the harsh climate of the country. Red Sindhi cattle are also known for their high milk production and are commonly raised for dairy production.
  3. Nili-Ravi: Nili-Ravi is a breed of cattle that is widely raised in Pakistan. It is a highly productive breed that is known for its high milk production and good meat quality. Nili-Ravi cattle are also well-adapted to the hot and humid conditions of the country.
  4. Dhanni: Dhanni is a breed of cattle that is widely raised in the rural areas of Pakistan. It is a hardy breed that is well-suited to the harsh conditions of the country. Dhanni cattle are used for plowing and as draft animals, as well as for dairy production.
  5. Kundi: Kundi is a breed of cattle that is widely raised in the southern regions of Pakistan. It is known for its high resistance to diseases and is well-adapted to the hot and humid conditions of the country. Kundi cattle are used for dairy production, as well as for plowing and as draft animals.

These are some of the most commonly raised cattle breeds in Pakistan. The exact breeds raised will depend on local conditions, as well as the purpose for which the cattle are being raised.

Factors Influencing the Livestock Industry

The factors influencing the livestock industry in Pakistan are numerous and varied, ranging from socio-economic conditions to the availability of resources. Climate, nutrition, size of landholdings and labor force, as well as gender roles, all have a profound impact on the amount, type and quality of animal products produced. Women in rural areas are actively engaged in agriculture and livestock production, playing a more important role in small production systems. With the advent of climate-smart livestock practices, farmers are now able to make more informed decisions when choosing these options. Additionally, while economic well-being is the primary focus for many farmers in the country, cultural considerations such as animal welfare and traditional customs also need to be taken into account. By understanding these factors, Pakistan can ensure that its livestock industry continues to thrive for years to come.

Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Livestock Sector

The livestock sector in Pakistan is a major contributor to the nation’s economic growth and development, as it contributes 14.04 percent of the total agricultural output. However, there are many challenges and opportunities that face this sector. Livestock farmers must contend with issues such as pasture and feed availability, water resources availability, breeding and management of livestock, diversification, extending and intensifying production, and animal welfare legislation. Additionally, smallholders often struggle to understand how to increase the productivity of their livestock production systems, thus limiting their potential to boost their rural incomes. On the other hand, there are opportunities for the sector to benefit from new breeds of cattle and sheep that have been introduced in recent years. There is also potential to expand production by introducing modern farming techniques and technologies. Thus, by addressing these challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities available, the livestock sector has great potential for further growth in Pakistan.


In conclusion, it is evident that livestock farming plays an important role in the Pakistani agricultural sector. There are a variety of species that are raised in Pakistan, ranging from cattle and poultry to sheep, goats, buffaloes and camels. Each species has its own unique characteristics and production systems, as well as its own challenges and opportunities. The success of the livestock sector depends on the availability of resources and knowledge, as well as the willingness of farmers to adapt to changing conditions. With the right support and investment, there is potential for the sector to continue to grow and contribute to the economic development of Pakistan.

Maweshi Mandi: Best Goat Breed in Pakistan

Are you looking for the best goat breed to start your small-scale farm in Pakistan? Look no further! We have rounded up the top 5 breeds of goats found in Pakistan which are perfect for both meat and milk production. Read on to find out more about these amazing animals and how you can get started.

Introduction to Goats in Pakistan

Goats are one of the most popular livestock species found in Pakistan, with a variety of breeds available. Goats have been a staple of rural life for centuries, providing not only meat but also milk and wool for clothing. Pakistan is home to several indigenous goat breeds, including the Gulabi, Jamnapari, Boer, Beetal, and Nachi breeds. These breeds vary in size and characteristics, such as height and ear shape. Additionally, goat keepers prefer certain breeds over others due to their knowledge of local conditions and desired traits. With the increasing demand for goat meat in the country, more and more farmers are beginning to breed goats on a scientific basis in order to maximize productivity.

Desi Goat Breed in Pakistan

The Desi goat breed is a highly sought-after breed in Pakistan, and are known for their milk production, meat production, and adaptability to the environment. The Desi goat is native to the region, and is known for its hardiness and resilience. They are also very well adapted to the regional climate, and can survive in both hot and cold temperatures. Their milk content is particularly high, making them an excellent choice for dairy production. They also do well in meat production, as their meat has a rich flavor and is highly sought-after. The Desi goat is also a highly prolific breeder, with females producing up to four kids at a time. Finally, they are relatively easy to care for and maintain, making them a great choice for anyone looking to start a goat farm in Pakistan.

Boer Goat Breed in Pakistan

Boer goats are one of the most popular goat breeds in Pakistan. This breed was grown in South Africa and is known for its tremendous growth rate due to selective breeding. Boer goats are well-known for their meat production and have gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to their excellent quality meat. The bucks of this breed weigh up to 135 kg, while the does can weigh up to 90 kg. Boer goats are also highly sought after for their milk production capabilities and are known to produce up to 4 liters of milk per day. In Pakistan, Boer goats are mostly found in the Punjab province and can be purchased for around Rs 22,000.

Beetal Goat Breed in Pakistan

Beetal goats are a popular breed of goat in Pakistan, as well as India and other parts of the subcontinent. They are multipurpose, being used for both meat and dairy production. They bear a resemblance to Jamnapari and Malabari goats and are second only to Jamnapari in size. Beetal goats are highly sought after in their native Punjab region, where they are found along the Indo-Pakistani border. Farmers in this region prefer Beetal brown-colored goats for their production performance. It is important to select the best breeding age and the right number of bucks needed for successful goat farming. Beetal goats are also a valuable food source and suitable for milk production.

Nachi Goat Breed in Pakistan

The Nachi goat is a unique breed that is found primarily in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Noted for its beautiful prancing gait, the Nachi is a medium-sized goat with black fur. It has an average weight of 40kg for bucks and 35kg for does, and it can produce up to 3 liters of milk per day. This breed is also known for its competitive spirit, as it is the only goat breed that participates in “best walk” competitions. The Nachi is an important genetic resource, not just in Pakistan but around the world, making it one of the most popular breeds for farmers and livestock owners in the region.

Selecting the Best Breeding Age

When selecting the best breeding age for goats in Pakistan, it is important to consider the breed and the environment in which they will be kept. Generally, the best breeding age is between 11 and 12 months. For some breeds, such as Beetal, this age may be lower. Experience gathered through local goat shows has shown that age at first heat was lowest in Pateri (around 7 months), while all other breeds ranged from 11 to 12 months. Additionally, Bucks are typically needed to breed with 25 female goats per year, so it is important to keep track of their ages to ensure optimal reproductive performance.

Quanity of Bucks Needed

When breeding goats, it’s important to consider the quantity of bucks needed. Generally, one male goat (or buck) is enough to breed with 25 female goats per year. However, in some instances, such as when the female goats are older, more bucks may be needed. Mature bucks can weigh up to 90 kgs and require more feed and exercise than does. It’s also important to consider the breed of goat when selecting the best buck for breeding. Certain breeds like Beetal have adequate sized symmetrical testicles and may be better suited for breeding purposes. Ultimately, selecting the right buck for breeding is key to successful goat farming.

Goats as a Food Source

Goats are an important source of food in Pakistan. They provide a valuable source of protein and are a popular choice for meat, with some breeds being bred specifically for their meat production capabilities. Goats are also popular for milk production, with some breeds producing up to 7 liters of milk per day. In addition, goats provide valuable manure which is used in agricultural production to help increase crop yields. With the many benefits that goats provide, it’s no wonder why they are such an important part of Pakistani cuisine and culture.

Suitable Goats for Milk Production

When it comes to selecting goats for milk production, breeds such as the Nubian, La Mancha, Alpine, Oberhasli, Saanen, Beetal, Gulabi and Thari are some of the most suitable options. Each breed has its own traits that make them ideal for milk production. For example, the Saanen is a dairy breed that is known to produce large amounts of high-quality milk. The Beetal goat is also a popular choice for its hardiness and ability to produce plenty of meat and milk products. The Gulabi goat is also a great choice for its high-quality meat and milk production. Additionally, the Thari goat is known for its low weaning age and high milk yield. Furthermore, breeding bucks should be provided with good feed rations and pregnant goats should be monitored until they give birth in order to ensure their health. With the right care and selection of breeds, farmers can maximize their potential when it comes to milk production from their goats.

Goat Breeds in Punjab, India and Pakistan

Goat Breeds in Punjab, India and Pakistan is a diverse area with a variety of unique breeds. The Beetal Goat is one of the most popular and widely distributed breeds, with its home in the Punjab region in both India and Pakistan. It is known for its hardiness and adaptability to different climates and environments. Jamnapari is another popular breed, originating from the Indian subcontinent and close to its wild ancestors. Khurasani Goat Breed is another breed that has been selectively bred for its high production performance. Farmers in Site-II prefer Beetal for its good pre-weaning survival rate, making it a great choice for raising in Pakistan. Whatever breed you choose to raise, it’s important to research the breed’s characteristics and needs to ensure your goats are healthy and happy.


In conclusion, it is clear that there are a variety of goat breeds in Pakistan that can be used for a variety of purposes. From the desi and boer breeds for meat production, to the beetal and nachi breeds for milk production, farmers have a wide selection to choose from. Furthermore, selecting the right breeding age and quantity of bucks needed to ensure healthy and productive offspring is essential. Goats are not only a great source of food but can also provide an excellent source of income for small-scale farmers in Pakistan. Lastly, the Punjab regions of India and Pakistan also have their own unique breeds which should be taken into consideration when selecting the best breed for any purpose.