What is Difference Between Desi cow and Jersey Cow?

Are you curious about the differences between Desi cows and Jersey cows? Are you looking for more information about the breeds when it comes to dairy production and meat production? If so, then this blog post is for you! We’ll be exploring the key differences between these two cattle breeds, including their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.


Cows are found in a variety of breeds and types, and it is important to understand the differences between them. Desi cows and Jersey cows are two of the most popular types of cattle. The main difference between Desi and Jersey cows is their physical appearance, milk production, adaptability, and micro-nutrient content in dung.

Desi (Brahma) type cattle have droopy ears and a hump. They also have curved horns with a thick base. On the other hand, Jerseys have no hump and look rather large with their large heads and relatively short horns.

When compared to the Jersey breed, Desi cows often produce less milk than Jersey cows; however doctors encourage pregnant women, children, and elderly people to drink this type of milk due to its higher micro-nutrient content. The dung of the Indian cows contains more microbes and micro nutrients approximately 85-90% whereas the Jersey cow contains 50-60%.

Adaptability wise, Jerseys are more able to adapt quickly to different climates than Desi Cows but Indian breeds are better suited for our tropical climate. In 1950 India had more than 70 indigenous cow breeds after gaining independence; unfortunately over the last 70 years India has lost more than 50% of these breeds due to extensive crossbreeding with American breeds such as Jerseys or Holstein Friesians (HF).

Overall both Desi Cows as well as Jerseys offer unique qualities that make them valuable assets for any agricultural setting or dairy farm!

Physical Differences

The physical differences between Desi (Brahma) and Jersey cows are quite noticeable. Desi cows have droopy ears and a hump while Jerseys have no hump and look more like traditional cattle. Desi cows also have curved horns with a thick base compared to the large heads and short horns of hybrid Jersey cows. In terms of size, Holsteins are the biggest dairy breed, weighing up to 1,500 pounds, while Jerseys are much smaller. When looking at their milk production, Holsteins produce 4061 Kg in the first seventy days of lactation whereas Jerseys only produce 2706 Kg. Furthermore, Desi cows contain the A2 allele gene which makes their milk more nutrient-dense than that of Jersey cows.

Milk Production

Milk production is the process of producing milk from cows, goats, sheep and other dairy animals. Milk is a nutritious and healthy food that provides essential nutrients to humans. It is one of the most important agricultural commodities and plays an important role in global food security. The primary purpose of milk production is to provide fresh, nutritious milk for human consumption.

To produce high-quality milk, cows must be well-fed and healthy with access to clean water and ample pasture or hay for feed. Dairy farmers must also provide regular veterinary care for their animals as well as maintain high standards of animal welfare. Modern dairy farms use specialized equipment such as milking machines and automated feeding systems to ensure efficiency, productivity and food safety standards are met.

Milk production also requires careful management of herd health by identifying any illnesses or issues early on that could affect the quality of the milk produced. Farmers must also meet various regulations including those set out by national governments as well as international organizations in order to ensure their products are safe for public consumption.

Milk has a variety of uses besides drinking it plain or adding it to coffee or tea; it can be used in cooking, baking, ice cream making, cheese making, yogurt production and other food products such as butter or ghee.

Temperament and Behavior

Temperament and behavior are important characteristics of cows. Generally, Jersey cows are known to have a more pleasant temperament than other breeds, and are very docile. This makes them ideal for milking as they can handle stress better. On the other hand, desi cows tend to be more nervous and skittish than Holstein cows or other breeds. Desi cow dung also contains more microbes and micro nutrients (approximately 85-90%) compared to the 50-60% found in Jersey cow dung. In Punjab, the American varieties promoted are HF and Jersey while Indian breeds like Sahiwal, Rathi and Gir are also popular. Jerseys tend to be more independent minded compared to other dairy breeds while their bulls have a strong masculine look despite their small size. Lastly, research has revealed that Jerseys are less susceptible to mastitis than most other dairy breeds due to their high immunity levels against disease causing bacteria.

Lifespan and Health Issues

The lifespan and health of different cow breeds vary significantly. Indian cows, such as the Gir cow, typically live longer than their crossbred counterparts like the Jersey cow. The dung of Indian cows contains more microbes and micro nutrients, giving them an edge in terms of longevity and health. In general, Jersey cows have shorter lifespans due to fertility issues, metabolic diseases, and other factors. They are also more prone to gas and diarrhea due to their high consumption of fodder. Primiparous Jersey cows also tend to have earlier first calving than Holstein cows. In addition, research has indicated that Jersey cows are less susceptible to mastitis and lameness compared with Holsteins. Therefore, while there are definite differences between the lifespans and health issues of various cow breeds, Jersey cows can still be quite productive in dairy farms when managed correctly.

Feeding Habits and Nutrition Requirements

Feeding habits and nutritional requirements are an important factor when it comes to cows, particularly dairy cows. Jersey cows are a breed that is known for producing good milk production, with tall and thin builds compared to other breeds. Their milk has higher fat content than that of Holstein or HF Milk, being slightly yellowish in colour. The feeding behaviour of primiparous and multiparous Jersey cows can be compared to that of Holsteins.

When it comes to nutrition requirements, scientific studies show the Jersey cow produces milk more efficiently than other breeds due to their higher fat (and therefore energy) content as well as a higher milk protein content and manufacturing quality. They are also able to meet the Chinese Feeding Standard of Dairy Cow better due to their basic diets providing the right amounts of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins necessary for proper growth and development.

Another difference between whey and colostrum is that whey does not clot within the abomasum while colostrum has 3-5 times more protein than regular milk and contains beneficial minerals like copper, iron, zinc and magnesium which help with digestion. Having said this, a good diet is essential for healthy cows so make sure your dairy cow gets the right amount of feed for its size!

Cost of Maintenance and Production

The cost of maintenance for Jersey cows and other crossbreds is lower than that of Desi (Brahma) type cattle. This is because hybrid cows consume less fodder while yielding almost double the amount of milk. As a result, these cows are more popular among dairy farmers due to their low maintenance cost. Additionally, Jerseys mature more quickly and dairy heifer calves can be obtained at an early age. In 1985, fifty Jersey cows were imported to Pakistan from the United States of America (USA).

This paper compares milk production and reproduction performance between Desi (Brahma) type cattle and Jersey cows. Despite being disadvantaged in profitability, Jersey cows were slightly more feed efficient at 1.75 lb. of energy-corrected milk per lb. of feed consumed compared to Desi types. Therefore, it is clear that while the cost of maintenance is lower for Jerseys, they also provide higher yields in terms of milk production and reproduction performance compared to Desi types.

Adaptability to Climate Change

Climate change is a reality that has been impacting us and the environment for decades. With the rise in temperatures, extreme weather events, and changes in precipitation patterns, it is becoming increasingly important to understand how different species adapt to these changes. While some species can survive in harsh conditions, others require particular environmental conditions to thrive. This is especially true for cows and other livestock animals, which depend on their environment for food and shelter.

Adaptability to climate change is an important trait for cows and other livestock animals. As temperatures fluctuate, specific breeds of cows may be better equipped to tolerate the changing conditions than others. For example, studies have shown that jersey cattle are more tolerant of high-altitude climates than other breeds like Friesian cows. This adaptation allows them to produce milk despite the harsh environments they may find themselves in. Additionally, sheep and goats have been found to be more resilient during periods of severe heat stress or water/food scarcity than other species due to their phenotypic plasticity—the ability for an individual plant or animal to adjust its physical characteristics or behavior according to its surroundings.

Ultimately, understanding how different breeds adapt differently to climate change can help farmers choose the best breed for their location and situation as this can play an important role in their success when farming livestock animals such as cows.

Usefulness in Agricultural Practices

Agricultural practices play a major role in the production of food for people all around the world. In order to successfully produce food, farmers must use the most effective and efficient methods available. Many agricultural practices are used to improve crop yields and increase efficiency. These practices include crop rotation, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and soil conservation.

Crop rotation is an important practice that has been used for centuries to ensure that crops receive adequate nutrients from the soil. By rotating different crops in a field every year, farmers are able to replenish the soil with essential nutrients while controlling pest populations and preventing disease outbreaks.

Irrigation is another practice that is often used in agriculture. Irrigation systems help farmers ensure that their crops have access to water even during periods of drought or low rainfall levels. This helps keep crops healthy and maximize yield potentials.

Fertilizers are also commonly used by farmers as a way of providing additional nutrients for their crops. Fertilizers can come in many forms including organic matter such as manure or compost or synthetic chemical fertilizers which can be applied directly to the soil or sprayed onto plants through an irrigation system.

Pest control is also an important agricultural practice as it helps protect crops from pests like insects, rodents, fungi, and diseases which can damage or destroy entire fields of crops if left unchecked. Farmers can use a variety of methods such as traps, insecticides, herbicides, and biological controls to limit damage caused by pests and diseases on their farms.

Soil conservation techniques are also very important as they help preserve existing soil resources while improving fertility levels in existing soils over time with proper management techniques such as tillage practices

Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction

Genetics, breeding and reproduction play an important role in the productivity of livestock. The productive performance of indigenous cattle is often lower than that of exotic breeds due to their unexploited genotype. In 1985, fifty Jersey cows were imported to Pakistan from the United States of America (USA). Today, Jerseys are the second largest breed of dairy cattle in the world, with fewer than 6,000 in total and around 4,000 in Jersey itself. When compared to Holstein and Guernsey breeds, all Jerseys clustered together as a breed. Jerseys demonstrate increased inbreeding when compared to other breeds. Breeding efficiency in Jersey cows is significantly higher than that of Holstein Friesian cows. Despite their good genetic potential, productive and reproductive performance of indigenous breeds remains very low due to a shortage of feed and lack of proper husbandry practices. To improve these performances, crossbreeding between exotic and local cattle has been used successfully for decades to increase milk production as well as reproductive performance.

Susceptibility to Disease

Susceptibility to disease is a major concern for farmers and those in the dairy industry. Many factors can contribute to a cow’s susceptibility, including breed, environment, and nutrition. For example, cows of the Holstein breed tend to be more prone to disease than Jersey cows due to their lighter hoof color that makes them more susceptible to lameness. Additionally, hot climates are less suitable for certain breeds of cows and may increase their risk of infection. Poor nutrition can also leave cows vulnerable to disease as it weakens their immune system. To reduce the risk of diseases in cattle herds, farmers should consider the breed and environmental conditions when selecting cows for their herd as well as provide proper nutrition for optimal health.

Popularity with Farmers

The popularity of dairy cows with farmers has been steadily increasing in recent years. Many farmers are now opting for breeds like Jersey cows, which produce more milk than local varieties. Jerseys have also become popular because of their high fat content in the milk they produce and their distinctive brown body with red markings. Furthermore, the removal of milk quotas has allowed many dairy farmers to take advantage of the Jersey breed’s high milk production capabilities. On the other hand, Holstein cows remain a favorite among many farms and ranches, as they are larger and can produce more milk than Jerseys. Indian farming communities are also taking advantage of the benefits offered by indigenous cows’ higher suitability for children’s physical and mental growth.

Suitability for Dairy Farming

Dairy farming is a popular way to make a living, and the right cow breed is essential for success. Desi Cows are smaller and less productive than more common breeds such as Holstein, making them most suitable for small-scale operations. On the other hand, Jersey cows produce more milk with higher fat and protein content, making them ideal for larger operations. In India, Desi Cows are preferred due to their ability to better withstand the hot tropical climate and their suitability for children’s physical and mental growth. However, Jersey cows can be more efficient in countries where feed may be scarce or expensive. Ultimately, it all comes down to the size of your operation and what type of milk production you are looking for when determining which breed of cow is best suited for your dairy farming needs.

Benefits of Desi Cow over Jersey Cow

Desi cows have long been a part of the Indian culture and their milk has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicines. Desi cows are revered for their many benefits, including providing high quality organic milk, an abundance of natural fertilizer, and helping to revive degraded land. In comparison to Jersey cows, Desi cows produce less milk, but the health benefits of their A2 milk are much greater. Desi cow’s milk is easier to digest than that of a Jersey cow because it contains more beneficial enzymes and nutrients. Additionally, Desi cow manure is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus which is great for soil fertility and helps to improve crop yields. Finally, due to the hardy nature of the breed, it requires minimal medical care compared to other breeds such as Jersey cows. This makes them ideal for small-scale farmers who may not be able to afford expensive health care for larger breeds. All in all, the benefits of keeping Desi cows far outweigh those of keeping Jersey cows!


The main difference between Desi cows and Jersey cows is in their appearance, milk composition, and quality of dung. Desi cows have curved horns with a thick base, while hybrid cows such as Jerseys have large heads and relatively short horns. The milk from Desi cows contains the A2 protein, which is more nutrient-dense than the A1 protein found in the milk of foreign breeds like Jersey. Additionally, Indian cow dung contains more microbes and micro nutrients than that of Jersey cows. Red Sindhis were crossed with Jerseys at three stations to develop dairy cattle adaptable to southern climates, resulting in higher quality milk production for processing dairy products.

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