Kooti (Kail) Goat Breed in Pakistan

If you’re looking for a hardy, reliable breed of goats in Pakistan, then the Kooti (Kail) goat is a great choice. This ancient breed has been around for centuries and is known for its resilience and adaptability in harsh conditions. In this blog post, we’ll explore the unique features of the Kooti (Kail) goat in Pakistan and why it’s such an ideal choice for small-scale farmers.

Kooti | Breed Profile

Breed Name Kooti
Other Name Kail
Breed Purpose Meat & Hair
Breed Size Small
Weight Buck About 20 kg
Doe About 15 kg
Horns Yes
Climate Tolerance Cold Climates
Coat Color Black & White Patches
Good for Stall Fed Not Sure
Rarity Common
Country/Place of Origin Pakistan

Introduction to Kooti Goats

Kooti goats are a breed of goat found in the Azad Kashmir region of Pakistan. They are characterized by their black and white patches and are found in Almut, Kail, and Shonther. Kooti goats are known for their high-quality meat, making them a popular choice for raising livestock. Other important goat breeds in Pakistan include Beetal and Neelam.

Goats are an important source of income for many people living in arid or semi-arid regions of Pakistan due to their fast growth rate and high production of milk and meat. The annual increment rate is estimated to be more than 3%, with an approximate total population of 53.8 million goats across the country.

The situation of sheep and goat breeds kept at experimental farms is not very promising, as the number of breeds available is relatively low compared to other countries like India or China. Despite this, Kooti goats continue to be a popular breed due to their good quality meat and easy availability in certain areas.

Origin and History

Kooti goats are an indigenous breed of domestic goat found in the Azad Kashmir region of Pakistan. They are known for their unique black and white patches on their body. This breed has been native to the Batala area of Gurdaspur district, near the border between India and Pakistan, since before 1986. Kooti goats are also distributed in Almut, Kail and Shonther regions in Azad Kashmir.

Kamori or Gulabi goats are another popular goat breed found in India and Sindh province of Pakistan. They have a distinctive body shape with long ears and a white coat with some patches of brown or black colors. This breed is known for its hardiness and ability to adapt to harsh conditions.

In terms of cattle breeds, no specific beef-cattle is present in Pakistan; however there are 37 breeds of goats reported in Pakistan which provide an important source of milk for local communities. Research into other types of livestock including sheep, buffaloes, camels and horses is ongoing as part of efforts to transform livelihoods in South Asia through sustainable livestock research and development projects such as those presented by Muhammad Farooq Tareen at a recent workshop.

Physical Characteristics

The Kooti goat is a large breed of goat that is found in Almut, Kail, and Southern areas in Azad Kashmir of Pakistan. They are known for their black and white patches on their coat, as well as long pendulous ears and a well-developed body with long legs giving them a high set appearance with a short tail. The name of the breed kajili derived from its unique physical characteristics.

Kooti goats have short, lustrous coats that can range from 10–18 inches (25–45 cm) in length. They have prominent nasal bridges and convex facial appearances which give them an unmistakable look. Their long legs also allow them to be agile climbers which make them suitable for mountainous terrain.

Kooti goats are primarily bred for both milk and meat production, making them versatile animals for farmers looking to diversify their production portfolio. Unfortunately, there are still fewer than half the number of goat breeds found in Pakistan than sheep breeds which shows how much more research needs to be done into preservation and improvement of the breed.

Adaptability and Breeding Habits

Goats are one of the most versatile and adaptable animals in the world, making them an important part of many countries’ agricultural industries. In Pakistan, there are 37 breeds of goats, all with different characteristics and adaptability levels. Beetal goats are native to Punjab in India and Pakistan, while Kooti goats can be found in Almut, Kail, and Shonther in Azad Kashmir.

To study goat breeding habits and understand the diversity among breeds, surveys have been conducted by the Department of Livestock. These surveys have revealed that some breeds such as Teddi and Barbari are distinct from one another. Furthermore, genetic sub-structuring has been observed in admixture patterns between pure breeds and their crosses. To further improve goat production and increase adaptability levels, the Department has established a National Goat Nucleus Farm across the country.

In conclusion, goats are incredibly versatile animals that can be bred for a variety of purposes across many different environments. Surveys conducted by the Department of Livestock have allowed us to gain insight into goat breeding habits as well as identify differences between breeds. With these insights at hand, farmers can better understand how to optimize their herds for productivity while ensuring they remain adapted to their local environment.

Milk Production Capacity

Milk production capacity is an important measure of the productivity of a goat breed. In Pakistan, milk production among goats varies greatly depending on the breed. Kooti (Kail) goats, for example, have a milk yield of 0.7 liters daily on normal fodder while Naachi goats can produce up to 1.25 liters per lactation day on normal fodder. Some breeds such as Kamori are known to produce 2-4 liters of milk per lactation day.

Overall, goats in Pakistan contribute 845 million liters of milk and 671 thousand tonnes of mutton from small ruminants each year. Goats are important suppliers of dairy and meat products for rural people, often referred to as the “poor man’s cow”. Livestock products in Pakistan include not just milk but also beef and buffalo meat, mutton, goat meat, wool, hair, bones, fats, blood and hides and skins.

Various research institutes in the country are involved in efforts to improve goat production with the primary aim being to increase meat yields while keeping secondary objectives such as enhancing milk yields in mind. By doing so they hope to increase food security and nutrition levels by providing more access to nutritious animal protein sources for rural populations.

Meat Yield and Quality

Goats are an excellent source of meat, and the yield and quality of their meat is highly dependent on the breed. In Pakistan, there are many breeds such as Almut, Kail, and Southern Areas which are well-suited for producing meat in cold climates. The doe typically produces 0.7 liters of milk, and the main purpose for raising goats in Pakistan is for their meat. Other animals such as sheep (for wool and mutton) and buffaloes (riverine type) are also raised in the country. Farmers generally prefer Beetal Brown-Splashed goats for their growth rate (45%), dressing percentage (49%) and meat quality (46%). Meat is still the primary breeding objective with milk being a secondary consideration. With considerable diversity in both morphological and production traits among Pakistani goat breeds, farmers can choose from a wide range of options depending on their needs.

Disease Resistance

Goats are the fastest growing ruminant animals in Pakistan and they possess a great degree of resistance to disease and climatic fluctuations. There is appreciable diversity among and within goat breeds, which contributes to their resilience to disease. In particular, Kooti goats found in Almut, Kail, and Shonther in Azad Kashmir of Pakistan have black and white patches on their body that grant them resistance to parasites and disease.

Studies have revealed that farmers prefer Beetal brown-splashed goats due to their high survival rate, resistance to parasites, and disease resistance. Further research into the specific attributes of goat breeds is needed in order to better understand their ability to resist diseases. In addition, meat is the primary breeding objective while milk gets secondary importance for most goat breeds.

Overall, goats have proven themselves as resilient animals with a natural ability towards disease-resistance which makes them an ideal livestock option for many farmers in Pakistan.

Pros and Cons of Kooti Breeds in Pakistan

The Kooti breed of goats is a relatively new breed in Pakistan. It is a popular choice among farmers due to its great fertility and growth rate, as well as its high milk production. Here are some of the pros and cons of raising Kooti goats in Pakistan:

• Kooti goats are very fertile, which makes them a great choice for breeding stock.
• They have a fast growth rate, meaning they can reach maturity quickly and produce offspring even sooner.

• The goats have a high milk yield which makes them ideal for dairy production.
• They require minimal care and maintenance, making them easy to keep and manage.
• The breed is also fairly hardy, making it resilient to diseases and climates that would be harmful to other breeds of goat.

• The Kooti goat breed is not widely available in Pakistan, so it can be difficult to find reliable sources for buying stock or semen.

• It can be difficult to control their population if left unchecked because they reproduce quickly.
• It has been noted that some individuals within the breed have lower fertility than others, so careful selection must be done when breeding stock is chosen.

The Benefits of Keeping Kooti Goats

Kooti goats are a dual-purpose breed of goat native to Almut, Kail, and Shonther in Azad Kashmir of Pakistan. With their distinctive black and white patches, Kooti goats are popular among farmers for both milk and meat production. Keeping Kooti goats has many benefits, including providing a low-cost investment and an important role in the livelihood of rural communities.

Kooti goats require minimal inputs to keep, making them ideal for small farms. Goats are easy to maintain as they can graze on grass or brushy plants with little supplemental feed. Their hardiness also makes them suitable for living in harsh climates or rough terrain. Additionally, they have high fertility rates and produce large litters of kids each year, meaning more potential income from selling the offspring.

The other benefit of keeping Kooti goats is that they provide a variety of products for their owners. The milk produced by these animals is rich in fat and protein content, making it highly nutritious for humans and animals alike. The meat from these animals is also quite tasty; it’s leaner than many other breeds but still full of flavor. Their hide can be used to make leather goods like clothing or shoes as well as blankets that provide excellent warmth during cold weather months.

Overall, keeping Kooti goats has many advantages when it comes to providing food security for rural communities or earning extra income from selling their offspring or products made from their hides or milk. This breed is easy to care for with minimal input costs and provides a variety of products that can be used to improve one’s livelihood in the long term

Feeding and Nutrition Requirements for Kooti Goats

Kooti goats are a popular breed in Pakistan that is best suited for nomads’ grazing areas in cold weather. They have different feed intake needs depending on their age, reproductive status and weight. Adult males weigh 20 kg while adult females weigh 15 kg. Meat production is the primary breeding objective, with milk being of secondary importance.

It is important to meet the nutritional needs of Kooti goats in order to ensure proper growth and development. Nutrients such as protein, calcium and phosphorus must be provided to maintain body health and promote growth. In addition, goats should be kept free from parasites as these can reduce the response to proper feeding and improved nutrition management.

Famous sheep and goat breeds in Pakistan with potential for mutton production include Beetal, Dera Din Panah, Teddy, Barbari and Kooti. These breeds have a growth rate of 4% annually which indicates their potential for meat production. Proper feeding and nutrition management is essential for optimal performance of these animals so it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their specific needs at all stages of life.

Raising and Management Practices for Kooti Goats

Raising Kooti goats is a popular practice in parts of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. This breed has black and white patches on their body and are known for their meat production, with milk being the secondary focus. When selecting a buck for breeding, it is important to choose one that is at least 12 months old and possesses good height and framework. It is also important to check farm records to ensure that the animal has been raised under optimal conditions.

To ensure the best genetic selection for your herd, it is important to conduct surveys that measure the diversity within goat breeds. Surveys should also be carried out in breeding tracts of different breeds in order to identify any constraints faced by farmers. In addition, agronomic and harvest management practices should be adapted as needed in order to maximize productivity and profitability. Common systems used for raising sheep and goats include tethering, pens or stalls, grazing on pastures or crop residue fields, range grazing on open lands or forests, and integrating them into a dairy system.

In order to raise healthy Kooti goats that meet market demands while providing maximum returns, it is important to invest time in understanding best management practices specific to this breed as well as general farm management procedures such as feed rations and health care plans. With proper care and management practices, Kooti goats can provide quality meat products consistently over time while also meeting local market demands for milk production when needed.

Common Diseases of Kooti Goat Breeds in Pakistan

Kooti goats are a hardy breed found in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. They have black and white patches on their coats, making them easily distinguishable from other breeds. Unfortunately, this breed is prone to a variety of diseases that can affect their health and productivity. Common ailments include Leptospira, Chlamydia, Toxoplasma, Listeria and Abortion Storms. These diseases can be prevented through proper management practices such as vaccination, maintaining cleanliness and regular veterinary checkups. Additionally, paying attention to any changes in behavior or physical appearance can help identify the disease early and allow for prompt treatment. By taking these steps you will ensure your Kooti goats stay healthy and productive for years to come!

Marketing Strategies for the Sale of Kooti Goat Products in Pakistan

Kooti goats are a popular breed of goat found in Almut, Kail, and Shonther in Azad Kashmir of Pakistan. The breed is recognizable by its unique black and white patches and is highly sought after for its quality meat production. With the growing demand for goat products both domestically and globally, marketing strategies need to be developed to ensure the success of Kooti goats.

One strategy that should be implemented is within-breed selection which focuses on improvement of traits related to economic value. To do this requires capacity building such as providing adequate training to farmers who raise Kooti goats so they can identify and select breeding stock with the best characteristics. Additionally, replacing draught animals with beef route through fattening and finishing programs as well as encouraging feedlot systems for cattle, male buffalo calves, or even small ruminants like sheep or goats could also help boost market opportunities for Kooti goats.

In addition, promoting goat farming among landless farmers could help increase the number of Kooti goats available on the market. This can be done through awareness campaigns conducted by agricultural organizations such as the SAARC Agriculture Centre in Islamabad, Pakistan which has already organized events such as workshops and seminars targeting small-scale producers.

Lastly, working with organizations such as the All Pakistan Meat Exporters and Processors Association (APMEP) will help ensure that proper regulations are in place when it comes to exporting meat from Pakistan while also helping create new markets abroad for Pakistani goat products.

By implementing these strategies, Pakistani farmers will have access to more resources that will enable them to produce higher quality meat from their Kooti goats while also creating greater opportunities for marketing


Kooti goats are found in the Almut, Kail, and Shonther regions of Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. This breed has distinctive black and white patches on its body and typically weighs between 15-20 kg. Goat farming is an important source of livelihood for many people in Pakistan, and the country has 36 different goat breeds across various ecological zones. DNA barcoding can be used to identify individual breeds and help improve the sustainability of goat farming. Meat is usually the primary breeding objective for Kooti goats with milk production being a secondary consideration.

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