Kaghani Goat Breed in Pakistan

Are you looking for an amazing goat breed to add to your farm? Look no further than the Kaghani breed of goat, native to Pakistan. This hardy and versatile breed is well-suited for a variety of climates and can provide milk, meat, fiber and even companionship. Read on to learn more about this fascinating goat breed!

Introduction to Kaghani Goats

The Kaghani goat is a type of mountain goat and antelope that is native to Pakistan. This breed of goat is renowned for its long, woolly coats, which help them thrive in the high altitude climate found in the region. Kaghani goats are most commonly found in Abbottabad, Mansehra, Kohistan, Swat and other cities throughout Pakistan.

Kaghani goats are primarily bred for their meat but also produce cashmere fiber as a secondary byproduct. They also have excellent milk-producing capabilities and can be used for hair production. This makes them versatile and highly sought-after animals in Pakistan’s livestock industry.

Kaghani goats are known for their hardy nature and adaptability to harsh climates, making them well suited to survive in the mountainous regions found throughout the country. Their docile nature makes them easy to handle and care for as well.

KP province of Pakistan is particularly rich when it comes to livestock genetic resources, with Kaghani being one of the major native breeds present there along with Damani and Gaddi goats. There is also great variability within this breed itself when it comes to morphological characteristics like color patterns or coat length.

Overall, Kaghani goats are an incredibly versatile breed that can be used for meat production, cashmere fiber production, milk production or hair production – making them an invaluable asset in Pakistan’s livestock industry!

History of Kaghani Goats

Kaghani goats are a medium-sized goat breed that originates from the valley of Hazara district in Pakistan. They are mainly raised for their meat and cashmere fiber, and they come in white, brown, gray, or black colors. This breed is known for its hardiness and ability to thrive in harsh climates. Kaghani goats were first found in abundance in the North West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) and have since spread to other parts of Pakistan.

Kaghani goats are also popular for their adaptability to various environmental conditions and can be found living in both mountainous regions as well as lowland plains. They are well suited to grazing on high-altitude pastures and can survive on minimal feed during dry seasons. The Kaghani goats produce high-quality milk which is used for both human consumption as well as dairy products such as cheese, butter, and yogurt.

The Kaghani goat is highly valued for its high-quality cashmere fiber which is collected during the spring moulting season. The cashmere fibers produced by Kaghani goats are softer than those of other breeds making them ideal for use in clothing items such as sweaters, hats, scarves, gloves, blankets, etc.

Overall, Kaghani goats make great additions to any farm due to their hardiness and adaptability as well as their production of quality milk and cashmere fibers.

Appearance of Kaghani Goats

Kaghani Goats are a type of medium-sized meat goat breed that are native to Pakistan. They are easily recognizable by their long and hairy coat. The facial appearance of Kaghani Goats is typically convex and they can be found in the Hazara district, Abbottabad, Mansehra, Kohistan and Swat. Kaghani Goats are primarily used for producing cashmere fiber, however they can also be used as an excellent source of meat. The animals require minimal maintenance and have good adaptability to harsh environments. Overall, Kaghani Goats make great livestock animals due to their hardiness and resilience.

Characteristics of Kaghani Goats

Kaghani goats are a famous large breed of goat that originate from Hazara, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They have white, gray, brown or black body coats and medium sized horns that spiral up for their heads. Kaghani goats are mainly raised for meat and cashmere fiber production. Their meat conformation is considered to be medium to good. In comparison to other goat breeds in Pakistan, such as Damani, Gaddi and Teddy, the facial appearance of Kaghani goats is predominantly convex with a straight shape facial outline. They have made their mark in the world due to their remarkable characteristics and performance as dairy goats.

Behavior and Temperament of Kaghani Goats

The Kaghani goat is a domesticated meat breed originating from the Hazara district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan. This breed is known for its shy temperament but can be tamed with proper rearing and training. Kaghani goats are good with children and make an excellent pet, providing a great source of companionship. They are also recognized as dairy goats and can produce milk for up to two years. These goats have well-developed teats but not udders, making them ideal for small scale farming operations. The Kaghani breed is found in the Kaghan Valley and surrounding areas, where they are used for the production of cashmere fiber and meat products such as mutton. Data on their productive and reproductive traits has shown that they have one of the highest average numbers among all goat breeds in Pakistan. With their docile nature and hardiness, Kaghani goats make an excellent choice for pet owners who want to raise livestock on a small scale farm or homestead.

Breeding Practices for Kaghani Goats

Kaghani goats are a popular meat breed of goat found in Pakistan. They are mainly raised for their high quality meat, but they also produce valuable cashmere fiber. The goats are mostly found in the Abbottabad, Mansehra, Kohistan, and Swat regions of Pakistan.

When breeding Kaghani goats, meat production is the main focus and milk production comes second. This breed has considerable diversity among and within its populations for management practices and feeding regimens. Cross-breeding is also practiced by some farmers to further enhance the quality of their herds.

The Kaghani goat breed is well suited to climates in Northern Areas of Pakistan like Kel, Baltistani, Koh-e-Khizer, Kaghani, and Gaddi. In general 37 breeds of goats have been identified throughout the country including Beetal and Dera Din Panah in Punjab; Barbari and Kamori in Sindh; as well as Kaghani in KP province. Surveys conducted on 70 farmers revealed that 54 out 84 percent practiced cross-breeding with their herds to improve upon existing traits like productivity or resistance to disease.

In conclusion, Kaghani goats are a popular breed due to their high quality meat production capabilities as well as potential for valuable cashmere fiber production when managed properly with appropriate breeding practices.

Uses and Adaptability of Kaghani Goats

The Kaghani goat is a hardy and adaptable breed of goat found in the Hazara region of Pakistan. It is mainly used for meat production, but also produces a high-quality cashmere fiber. The breed has an appreciable diversity among and within populations, which is beneficial for its adaptability to different environments. Kaghani goats yield a good crop of long hair with an undercoat of cashmere wool, making them ideal for producing cashmere fabrics. They are also multipurpose animals, providing milk, meat and fibre products as well as being useful for tilling land and herding other livestock. Kaghani goats have a strong resistance to disease and can thrive in areas with harsh climates due to their adaptability. These qualities make the Kaghani goat an important asset to farmers looking to increase their adaptive capacity in small-scale farming operations.

Feeding Requirements for the Breed

The Kaghani Goat is a breed of goat native to Pakistan. It is raised mainly for meat production, but also produces cashmere fiber. It is recommended that bucks are replaced every 3-4 years in order to maintain breed purity and quality. The breed does well in the climates of Pakistan, and other suitable breeds for meat production include Barbari, Chapper, Teddy and others. Milk production is secondary to meat production with this breed.

When it comes to feeding requirements, the Kaghani Goat will do best when given a diet of quality hay or grasses supplemented with grains such as corn or oats. They should also have access to minerals and salt licks for additional nutrition. Additionally, fresh water should be available at all times and green fodder should be provided regularly if available. With proper care and nutrition, the Kaghani Goat can thrive and produce high-quality meats for consumption!

Health Issues with the Breed

The Kaghani goat is a popular meat-type breed found in the Hazara region of Pakistan. Despite its popularity, this breed has been relatively neglected and little research has been conducted on its health issues. Common health issues among Kaghani goats include parasites, contagious diseases, nutritional deficiency, and congenital defects. Parasites are a major issue as they can cause severe damage to the goat’s skin, fur and internal organs. Contagious diseases such as pneumonia or mastitis can be passed between goats easily if one animal becomes infected. Nutritional deficiencies can occur when goats do not have access to enough food or water or if their feed is low quality. Congenital defects are birth defects that can affect the health of a goat from birth and may impair its ability to grow or reproduce properly over time. To ensure that these animals remain healthy, it is important for farmers to provide them with nutritious feed and regular veterinary check-ups.

Grooming Requirements for the Breed

Kaghani goats are a medium-sized breed of meat goat found throughout Pakistan. They have variable colors, including white, brown, gray, or black. Male Kaghani goats should be active and ready to breed in-heat does. It is recommended to switch out bucks every 3-4 years for optimal mating success. Kaghani goats have good meat conformation and yield 2 kg of long hair per head per year. To keep the Kaghani breed healthy, it is important to provide regular grooming and a balanced diet. Grooming should include trimming hooves, brushing fur/wool, examining for lice or other parasites, checking for external injuries or illnesses in all areas of the body (including the eyes and ears), and bathing regularly with a mild shampoo if necessary. Additionally, it is important to provide ample exercise and plenty of fresh water each day. With proper care and nutrition, the Kaghani breed can remain healthy and productive for many years!

Training and Handling Tips for the Breed

Training and handling goats can be a rewarding experience, especially when you consider the benefits they bring. Goats are hardy animals and make excellent livestock, providing milk, meat, fiber, and hides. To ensure your goats stay healthy and safe, it’s important to provide them with proper care and training. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

1. Provide a Safe Environment: Make sure to provide your goats with ample space in a secure enclosure that is free from any potential hazards such as predators or barbed wire fences. Be sure to check the fencing regularly for any signs of damage or wear-and-tear.

2. Monitor Health: Regularly inspect your goats for any signs of disease or illness such as runny eyes or nasal discharge; if necessary, take them for a vet checkup immediately. Additionally, make sure to provide them with a balanced diet that includes fresh hay, grasses, minerals and supplements as needed.

3. Handle With Care: When handling your goats always be gentle; never pull on their ears or tails as this can cause discomfort and distress them unnecessarily. Instead use calming techniques such as talking quietly in order to keep the goat relaxed while you work with it – this will help it respond better when being trained in future sessions too!

4. Train Properly: To make it easier for your goats to learn new behaviors like walking on leash or being groomed properly start off by breaking down the task into smaller steps so they can understand better what is expected from them; then reward good responses with treats like carrots or apples! Finally practice regularly until the behavior has been fully mastered before moving onto something else – remember patience is key!

Pros and Cons of Owning a Kaghani Goat

Owning a Kaghani goat can be a rewarding experience for any animal lover. These hardy animals are known for their calm, gentle temperament and provide valuable milk, meat and fiber products. However, as with any animal, there are pros and cons to consider when deciding if ownership is right for you.

One of the biggest benefits of owning a Kaghani goat is that they are adapted to the tough mountain environment in which they originate. This makes them ideal animals for harsh climates or those living in high altitudes. Additionally, these goats have excellent fertility rates making them great animals to raise commercially or as part of a hobby farm.

Kaghani goats produce large amounts of milk which makes them great dairy animals. The milk is high in protein content and can be used to make cheese, butter, yogurt and other dairy products. Their milk also contains essential vitamins and minerals which make it highly nutritious for human consumption as well as other uses such as feeding calves or orphaned kids during cold weather periods.

Kaghani goats possess soft and luxurious hair that can be spun into yarns or woven into fabrics for clothing. The thickness of the wool varies depending on the climate but generally ranges from fine to medium-length fibers making it perfect for many types of handcrafts like knitting or weaving garments.

On the downside, Kaghani goats require special care due to their sensitive nature so they may not be suitable pets for everyone. They are also prone to certain diseases such as foot rot and Johne’s disease so regular vet visits are necessary in order to keep your herd healthy and happy. In addition, Kaghani goats typically have multiple kids per birth so you will need

Where to Find a Breeder or Buyer for the Breed?

If you’re looking for a breeder or buyer of the Kaghani Goat Breed in Pakistan, there are numerous options available. The most common places to find breeders and buyers include goat markets, local farms, and online marketplaces. In cities such as Abbottabad, Mansehra, Kohistan, Swat, Sahiwal and Toba Tek Singh, goat markets are held regularly where breeders showcase the different breeds available. Local farms often have goats for sale or trade and can provide information about breeders in the area. Additionally, online marketplaces like Tariq Goat Info offer a wide range of goats from different breeders all over Pakistan. With these options readily available, finding a breeder or buyer of the Kaghani Goat Breed in Pakistan is a relatively straightforward process.

How Much Does a Kaghani Goat Cost?

Kaghani Goats are a breed of goat native to the Hazara district of Pakistan which are prized for their long, luxurious cashmere coats. The average cost of a Kaghani Goat in Pakistan is between 10000 PKR and 70000 PKR. Male and female goats can vary in price depending on maturity, size, and other factors. Kaghani Goats are mainly used for the production of cashmere fiber but they can also be raised as meat goats. Their average body weight is up to 37 kg (males) and 32 kg (females). Kaghani Goats typically produce 1-2 kg of long hair per year. Other popular breeds for fiber production in Pakistan include Pak Angora, Bilkaneri, Chapper, Teddy and many others.


In conclusion, the Kaghani goat breed is a meat type that is native to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. It is distributed throughout the country but most of its population is found in Abbottabad, Mansehra, Kohistan, Swat and some other cities. The Kaghani goat breed has been used for the production of cashmere fiber and sequencing of DNA barcode has shown a 99% similarity to Beetal goats. This study on molecular taxonomy also revealed that there is a high level of genetic diversity across 24 SSR markers in the Kaghani goat breed. Goats have successfully adapted to desert, mountainous and tropical areas where other livestock species would not thrive. Therefore, it is important to conserve this valuable genetic resource for future generations.

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