Is Dairy Farming Profitable in Pakistan

Are you considering the idea of investing in dairy farming in Pakistan? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the profitability of dairy farming in Pakistan and some tips for getting started. Read on to learn more!

Introduction to Dairy Farming in Pakistan

Dairy farming has been a long standing tradition in Pakistan, with small-scale farmers dedicated to providing quality milk products to their local communities. Over the years, demand for milk and dairy products has increased significantly, leading to a move towards commercial dairy farming. This shift has enabled farmers to increase their income potential by investing in improved breeding and production practices. Dairy farmers in Pakistan now face a number of challenges when rearing animals for milk, such as the need to manage diseases and pests, provide adequate feed and nutrition for their livestock, and keep up with changing market conditions. However, if managed correctly, dairy farming can be a profitable venture for small-scale producers. With the right support from the government and investment in the sector, Pakistan could become a major player in the global milk industry.

Potential Income from Dairy Farming

Potential income from dairy farming in Pakistan can be quite substantial, with estimates ranging from 2.8 million to 77 million per annum from the first to tenth year of the project. This golden earning period starts in 2006, when the dairy sector in Pakistan moved towards commercialization. Small scale dairy farms in India and Pakistan often struggle to cover their full economic costs, but are able to generate family farm income due to low capital investment. Livestock milk trade is a global industry worth US $65 billion and Pakistan is importing US$180 million worth of milk annually. This indicates that there is high demand for milk in peri urban areas around the country, making it a viable business proposition for those looking to enter the industry.

Challenges of Dairy Farming in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the dairy farming sector is facing numerous challenges that have been hampering its production and profitability. These include poor market channels, lack of proper hygiene and cold storage facilities, high capital investment, and inadequate government support. Furthermore, the majority of dairy farmers possess fewer than 10 animals, making it difficult to generate sufficient income. This situation is further compounded by the lack of access to modern technologies and training, leading to lower levels of productivity. All these issues have resulted in a decrease in the profitability of dairy farming in Pakistan, making it difficult for the small farmers to survive. Yet despite these difficulties, there are some success stories that show that with proper guidance and support from the government, dairy farming can still be profitable.

The Golden Earning Period of Dairy Farming

The golden earning period of dairy farming in Pakistan starts after six years, due to the multiplication of animals. During this period, small dairy farmers can earn up to Rs 7000 per cow per month, depending on their managerial skills and production. This profit is based on the total investment of approximately Rs. However, this period is not without its challenges. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period and Net Present Value (NPV) are all factors that farmers need to consider prior to setting up a farm. Livestock sector and milk production also needs to be taken into account, as it accounts for 24% of farm gate receipts from beef and bobby veal production. Fortunately, the government offers support for dairy farmers, such as loans, subsidies and tax exemptions. With the right knowledge and planning, dairy farming can be a very profitable business enterprise in Pakistan.

The Move Towards Commercial Dairy Farming

In 2006, the dairy sector in Pakistan moved towards a more commercial side, encouraging progressive farmers to invest in milk production. This has led to a dramatic increase in the number of large-scale commercial dairy farmers, as well as an increase in the number of animals kept for milk production. With government support and capital investment, farmers are now able to reinvest their profits towards increasing animal productivity. Additionally, commercial dairy farming is helping to contribute to the overall development of the dairy industry in Pakistan. By providing access to high-quality milk and a reliable source of income, dairy farming has become a profitable business venture for many Pakistani farmers.

The Success Story of Jaspal

Jaspal is a shining example of what is possible with a successful dairy farming business. He started out with just five buffaloes, but within eight years he had become the proud owner of Sarbuland Dairy. His story serves as an inspiration to those in Pakistan who are considering starting a dairy farm. Jaspal began his journey by taking a Primary ITO apprenticeship in Dairy Farming. With hard work and dedication, he and his wife Ruby have been able to build their business into the successful venture it is today. Jaspal’s story demonstrates that dairy farming can be profitable and rewarding if done right.

The Livestock Sector and Milk Production

The livestock sector plays an important role in Pakistan’s dairy industry. According to the 2006 Livestock Census, 51% of the 8.4 million reported dairying households own a herd. Small and landless farmers are responsible for a majority of the milk production, with 80% of it coming from rural areas. The annual per capita milk production in 1988, as estimated by the Livestock Division of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Cooperatives, has reached 124. As a result of these factors, Pakistan is a net importer of milk and milk products. An important goal for the dairy industry of Pakistan is to increase milk production and reduce imports so as to help overcome food shortage and hunger. With its high potential for milk production and ranked amongst the top five milk-producing countries globally, the Pakistan dairy industry can have a major impact on alleviating poverty.

Capital Investment in Dairy Farming

Starting a successful dairy farm in Pakistan requires a large capital investment. Land, buildings, equipment, and cows are all expensive and few new dairy farmers will have the resources to purchase all of these items. However, the Division and Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan has representatives of cattle colonies and dairy cooperatives that can help provide advice and access to loans. Additionally, private investors may be open to investing in dairy farming as a long-term project. The estimated capital investment for a Controlled Shed Dairy Farm with 100 American Holstein Cows is Rs. 57 million. This includes the cost of purchasing the cows and any other necessary equipment. It is important to understand that while there may be upfront costs associated with starting a dairy farm, a successful operation can generate significant income over time. With government support and the right strategies in place, dairy farmers in Pakistan can maximize their profits and reinvest their money for further growth and success.

Government Support for Dairy Farmers

The Pakistani government has been a major supporter of dairy farming and has provided numerous subsidies, grants, and training programs to help dairy farmers increase their profitability. In 2006, the government moved towards commercializing the dairy sector, encouraging progressive farmers to take up the practice. This has resulted in direct training and support for over 49,000 small dairy farmers, giving them access to high-value milk buyers and increasing their profits by 17%. The government has also provided capital investments to help farmers reduce fodder costs and increase their overall supply of milk. By providing these incentives, the Pakistani government is helping farmers become more successful and profitable in the dairy industry.

Tips for Starting a Successful Dairy Farm

Starting a successful dairy farm in Pakistan can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and dedication it can be profitable. It is important to invest in high-quality, environment-hardened animals, as well as land, buildings and equipment. Dairy farming is a business that requires round-the-clock effort and time commitment, so it’s best to be prepared for the long haul. It is also important to keep up with international farm gate milk prices, as well as any potential government support available. Finally, it’s important to stay informed on the livestock sector and milk production, as this will give you an idea of the potential income you can make from dairy farming. With the right resources and dedication, dairy farming in Pakistan can be a profitable venture for farmers.


In conclusion, dairy farming in Pakistan has the potential to be a profitable and successful business venture. The key to success lies in providing steady supply of fresh milk through efficient production and distribution channels. The government of Pakistan is taking positive steps to support dairy farmers by providing subsidies on feed, improved breeding services, and access to markets. However, the dairy sector still faces challenges such as low yields, poor infrastructure, and inadequate capital investment. With the right strategies and dedication, however, it is possible for ambitious entrepreneurs to create a successful dairy farming business in Pakistan.

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