Bujri/ Gujri Goat Breed of Pakistan

Are you looking for a goat breed that is hardy and well-suited to the climate of Pakistan? If so, then look no further than the Bujri/Gujri Goat! This breed of goat is native to Pakistan and has been around for centuries. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the characteristics of this amazing breed and some of its benefits.

Introduction to the Bujri / Gujri Goat Breed

The Bujri/Gujri goat breed is a large-sized breed commonly found in Badin and Thatta of Sindh Province in Pakistan. This native goat breed is known for its beautiful medium-sized body, dark brown and grey color, wattles on its neck and long, pointed ears. The primary breeding objective for this breed is meat, with milk being secondary. It has been estimated that there is appreciable diversity among and within this goat breed when it comes to morphological, production and reproductive traits. These goats are also known for their high resistance to various diseases due to their hardy nature. They are highly adaptable to different climates making them suitable for rearing in various parts of the world.

History and Origin of the Bujri / Gujri Goats
Source: i.pinimg.com

History and Origin of the Bujri / Gujri Goats

The Bujri/Gujri goats are a large size breed of goat native to Badin and Thatta in Sindh, Pakistan. These goats are popular for their tall height and heavy weight gain and can be found in both commercial goat farms as well as domestic households. In the commercial setting, Bujri/Gujri goats are used for meat, milk and hair production while domestically they are mainly used for meat production. On average, female Bujri/Gujri goats produce 0.5 – 0.9 liters of milk daily on normal fodder while male bucks have been known to reach extra ordinary high weights in recent years.

In addition to Bujiri/Gujiri goats other important breeds include Beetal, Dera Din Panah and Teddy in Punjab, Barbari and Kamori in Sindh, Kaghani in Balochistan and Damani Goat from medium hair styles. 37 breeds of goats have been described across the world with each having its own unique characteristics that makes them suitable for different purposes such as meat production or dairy production amongst others.

Characteristics of the Bujri / Gujri Goats

The Bujri/Gujri goat breed is a large-sized breed that originates from the Badin and Thatta regions of Sindh Province, Pakistan. These goats are well-suited for commercial goat farms and grazing areas as they are used for meat, milk, and hair purposes. The average doe produces around 0.5-0.6 liters of milk daily on normal feeding conditions. In addition to this, these goats are also ideal for domestic households due to their meat and hair production capabilities. Local goat shows have been conducted over the past few years where experience gathered has been summarized in terms of qualitative characteristics of male and female goats. There is no single breed that has all the qualities desired and dairy breeds have been specially selected for their productivity in terms of milk production. In Pakistan, there are approximately 49 million sheep, 49 million goats, and 0.77 million camels that make up the livestock sector in the country with adult weights ranging from table 2 to table 3 respectively with different characteristics per breed type making it an ideal choice for farmers looking to diversify their livestock portfolio in a sustainable way.

Size and Weight of the Bujri / Gujri Goats

Bujri/Gujri Goats are a large breed of goat found mainly in Badin and Thatta, Sindh Province of Pakistan. They are an important part of the local economy as they are used for their meat, milk, and hair. These goats have a mature body weight ranging from 30 to 50 kgs (66 to 110 lbs). The does typically produce 2-3 kids in one litter. The Gujri Goat is considered one of the top 50 biggest breeds in India due to its large size and strong physical features. It is also known for its excellent fertility and growth traits which make it a great choice for commercial goat farms. Gujri Goats thrive on grazing areas as well as commercial farmlands, making them a versatile breed.

Color and Markings of the Bujri / Gujri Goats

The Bujri/Gujri goat is a large-sized breed of domestic goat found primarily in the Badin and Thatta districts of Sindh province in Pakistan. They are used for meat, milk and hair production, making them an important part of commercial farming operations. The Bujri/Gujri does typically produce 2-3 kids per litter. The goats have a mix of Rajanpuri and Beetal characteristics, with Barbara coloration that often has white spots on their coat. They have long ears and short, slender legs with a sloping back. Their horns are typically curved outward from the head, and their eyes are bright and clear-looking. All in all, the Bujri/Gujri is an attractive breed that has earned recognition at various local goat shows in Pakistan over the past few years.

Temperament and Behavior of the Bujri / Gujris

The Bujri/ Gujri goat breed is a large size breed native to Badin and Thatta in Sindh Province, Pakistan. They are known for their docile nature, making them an ideal choice for raising as pets or livestock. These goats are not easily spooked and are generally very friendly towards humans. As they are hardy animals, they can live in a variety of climates and terrain. Bujris/ Gujris have excellent mothering instincts and tend to be excellent milk producers when provided with adequate nutrition. They also have good fertility rates and feed conversion ratios, making them perfect for commercial production. In terms of temperament, these goats tend to be curious and gentle creatures that get along well with other animals. They are also known to be independent thinkers who can often problem solve on their own if given the chance!

Uses and Benefits of Keeping a Bujuri / Gujiri Goat

The Bujuri / Gujiri goat is an important and popular breed of goat in Pakistan, known for its thick and silky coat. This hardy animal is well adapted to a variety of climates, including the dry and hot conditions of much of the country. They are also highly productive animals, producing large amounts of milk and meat from their healthy diet. Keeping a Bujuri / Gujiri goat can provide many benefits to farmers and homesteaders alike, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to start raising goats.

One of the main benefits of keeping a Bujuri / Gujiri goat is their high milk production. These goats can produce up to 3 liters per day, making them ideal for dairy farmers or those who want to make cheese or yogurt from their own animals. The milk produced by these goats is rich in nutrients, making it a great source of sustenance for humans as well as animals such as calves or lambs.

In addition to providing milk, Bujuri / Gujiri goats are also excellent sources of meat. They have leaner bodies than other breeds, meaning that they produce more meat per pound than other breeds do. This makes them ideal for anyone wanting to raise their own food or sell it locally at markets and fairs. The meat produced by these goats is tender and flavorful, with a taste that many people compare favorably with beef or lamb.

Finally, keeping a Bujuri / Gujiri goat can help you save money on feed costs in comparison to other breeds since they are able to graze on pastures with fewer supplemental feeds needed than some other breeds require. They are also hardy animals that don’t

Feeding Requirements for a Healthy Diet in a Bujuri/Gujiri Goat

Feeding a healthy diet to a Bujuri/Gujiri goat is an important part of raising this breed. These goats are large-sized, with the buck often gaining over 100kg in weight on special food. As such, they require feed that delivers an optimum balance of many different nutrients to achieve their maximum production potential. The nutrient requirements for these goats depend on their age, sex, breed, production system (dairy or meat), body size and climate.

For meat goats, it is important to provide them with high quality feed in most situations to ensure they get the right balance of nutrients for optimal growth and health. It is also important to note that goats are able to produce more meat and milk by taking substandard grass than other cattle do, so it is essential to provide them with fresh fodder regularly. Goats will typically not consume wet or filthy items when given the choice.

In conclusion, providing Bujuri/Gujiri goats with a healthy diet is essential for their optimal growth and production potential. This includes providing them with high quality feed that contains the right balance of nutrients as well as offering fresh fodder on a regular basis.

Breeding Options for the Healthiest Offspring in a Bajuri/Gujiri Goat

To ensure the healthiest offspring in a Bajuri/Gujiri goat, it is important to practice good breeding practices. A healthy goat herd begins with selecting the right breed of goat and managing them properly. When selecting a breed, consider factors such as fertility, adaptability to environment and climate, hardiness, and the amount of milk they provide. Additionally, a breeder should look for goats that are free of genetic defects or diseases.

To create healthy offspring from two parents, it is important to choose animals from different lines if possible. This will help reduce the chance of any inherited genetic problems. Breeding between similar animals can lead to inbreeding which can result in health issues for offspring such as low fertility rates or weakened immune systems.

When breeding goats, it is best to wait until they reach sexual maturity at six months old before attempting mating between two different animals. This will allow time for optimal development and growth before introducing another animal into their life cycle. Additionally, breeders should keep careful records of each animal’s lineage in order to track any potential issues that could arise from breeding too closely related goats together.

It is also important to only use healthy bucks when breeding does and pay attention to any signs that the buck may be unhealthy or infertile before using him for mating purposes. To ensure the success rate for conception remains high when introducing new bucks into a herd, quarantine periods should be established and monitored by experienced personnel prior to mating season each year.

Once mated successfully and gestation has begun, does should receive proper nutrition during pregnancy as this helps with fetal development in utero as well as aiding in providing enough milk postpartum for newborns if

Common Health Issues with Bajuri/Gujiris

Bajuri or Gujiri goats are a large-sized goat breed native to Pakistan, particularly in the Sindh and Balochistan regions. They have short hair and ears, and medium horns. Unfortunately, these goats are prone to several health issues that can be life-threatening if not treated properly.

The most common health issue associated with Bajuri/Gujiri goats is Sepsis, which is an infection of their bloodstream caused by bacteria entering the body through open wounds or contaminated feed. Symptoms of sepsis include fever, weakness, depression, tremors, incoordination and even blindness in severe cases. It is important to get your Bajuri/Gujiri goats checked by a vet if any of these symptoms are present.

Another possible health issue for Bajuri/Gujiri goats is pneumonia caused by breathing in contaminated dust or droplets from other infected animals. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing and loss of appetite. If left untreated this can be fatal so it’s important to seek veterinary advice immediately if you suspect your goat may have contracted pneumonia.

Finally it’s also important to keep an eye out for parasites such as ticks or lice which can cause skin irritation as well as anaemia due to blood loss from the animal being infested with them. Regular checkups should be done to make sure your Bajuri/Gujiri goats are free from parasites or any other signs of ill health so they can live long healthy lives!

Caring for Your Bajuri/Gujiris

Caring for Bajuri/Gujiris goats can be a rewarding experience for any goat farmer. With proper care, these large-sized breeds can provide plenty of milk and meat for your family or business. When raising Bajuri/Gujiris goats, it’s important to provide them with the right conditions and nutrition to keep them healthy and productive.

The first step in caring for Bajuri/Gujiris goats is providing them with a safe and comfortable environment. Make sure that their housing is secure and their pen is spacious enough so they have room to move around. Provide plenty of fresh water at all times, as well as nutritious food such as hay or grass hay cubes, grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.

Goats need regular hoof trimming to keep their feet healthy and prevent injuries from stepping on sharp objects. Make sure that you also vaccinate your goats against common diseases such as enterotoxemia and tetanus. Regular vaccinations help protect the herd from disease outbreaks that could potentially damage the population’s health or cause mortality in young kids.

It’s also important to ensure that Bajuri/Gujiris goats get enough exercise each day by giving them access to a pasture or open area where they can run freely. You should also make sure they have access to shade when needed during hot summer days so they don’t overheat or suffer sunburns.

Finally, Bajuri/Gujiris goats should receive regular health checkups by a veterinarian who specializes in goat care so any potential issues are caught early on before they become serious problems. If you take good care of your herd

Pros and Cons of Owning a Bajuri/Gujiri

Pros of Owning a Bajuri/Gujiri:
1. Goats are relatively cheaper to buy and maintain than cattle, making them an attractive investment for small farmers.

2. Goat breeds like the Bajuri/Gujiri are well-suited to difficult mountain terrain, allowing farmers to cultivate land that would otherwise be inaccessible.

3. Goats can produce multiple products such as milk, meat, and hides that can be sold or used by the farmer themselves.

4. Local goat shows have increased awareness of these breeds in Pakistan, providing opportunities for education and networking among experienced goat keepers in the country.

Cons of Owning a Bajuri/Gujiri:
1. Goats require more space than other animals due to their grazing habits and need for shelter from the elements.

2. Many breeds of goats, including the Bajuri/Gujiri, produce less milk than other animals such as cows or sheep which may limit their potential returns on investment for dairy purposes .

3. Goats can be prone to disease if not properly cared for which requires regular veterinary attention or specialised knowledge from experienced goat keepers .


The Bujri/Gujri goat is an indigenous breed of Pakistan that can be found mainly in Badin and Thatta in Sindh. This large-sized breed is a popular choice for farmers and is used for meat production and dairy products. Its unique qualities make it ideal for farming in Pakistan’s environment. The Beetal black, Beetal black splashed, Teddy, and crossbreds (Beetal x Teddy) are some of the most popular breeds. Additionally, the Kamori goat is another popular breed that can be found in the Sindh province. With experience gathered from recent years, farmers have been able to successfully raise goats of different breeds with a focus on Beetal goats as they are most commonly seen at shows conducted throughout Pakistan.

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