10 Cow Dairy Farm Income In Pakistan


The average Pakistani dairy farmer has a herd of 10 cows and makes an annual income of Rs. 50,000. This is just one example of the many small-scale dairy farms in Pakistan that provide a livelihood for their owners and families. In this blog post, we will take a look at 10 different dairy farms in Pakistan and what their incomes are. We will also explore the challenges they face and how they are overcoming them.

What types of cows are in Pakistan?

There are two main types of cows in Pakistan: the local desi cow and the crossbreed HF cow. The local desi cow is a hardy breed that can withstand the harsh climate and poor grazing conditions of Pakistan. The HF cow is a cross between the Holstein-Friesian and local desi breeds. It is larger and produces more milk than the local desi cow.

What is the most popular type of cow in Pakistan?

The most popular type of cow in Pakistan is the crossbreed HF cow. These cows are larger and produce more milk than the local desi breed.

What is the average lifespan of a cow in Pakistan?

The average lifespan of a cow in Pakistan is about 15 years.

What is the dairy industry like in Pakistan?

The dairy industry in Pakistan is growing rapidly. In recent years, the government has invested heavily in the sector, and there are now over 1,000 dairy farms in the country. The largest dairy farm in Pakistan is the Al-Nafees Dairy Farm, which has a herd of over 10,000 cows. The dairy industry in Pakistan is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. This growth will be driven by rising incomes and a growing population.

What is Dairy Farming?

Dairy farming is a sector of agriculture that involves the raising of cattle for the purpose of producing milk and other dairy products. Milk and dairy products are an important part of the human diet, providing essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, protein, and fat. The global dairy industry is worth an estimated $ trillion USD, with cow’s milk accounting for the majority of production.

Pakistan is the ninth largest producer of milk in the world, with an annual output of around 40 billion litres. The vast majority of Pakistan’s dairy farms are small-scale operations, with only around 3% classified as large commercial enterprises. Dairy farming plays an important role in Pakistan’s economy, contributing 1.4% to the country’s GDP and supporting the livelihoods of millions of people.

The average Pakistani dairy farmer keeps between 2 and 10 cows, with most farms located in rural areas outside of major cities. Cattle are typically kept in open fields or simple shelters made from mud and straw, and fed a diet of green fodder, grains, and leftover food scraps. Water buffalo are also sometimes used for dairy production in Pakistan, although they make up a small minority of the overall herd (around 6%).

Milk yield per cow in Pakistan averages around 2300 litres per year, which is relatively low by international standards. This is due in part to poor nutrition and husbandry practices, as well as the often harsh climatic conditions that cattle must endure (hot summers and cold winters).

The Benefits of Dairy Farming

Dairy farming has many benefits for both the farmer and the consumer. For the farmer, it provides a source of income that is not subject to the whims of weather or the markets. It is also a relatively low-maintenance form of agriculture, as cows require little care once they are settled into a routine.

For the consumer, dairy products are a source of essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, and vitamin D. They are also an affordable source of nutrition for many people around the world.

Dairy farming plays an important role in global food security by providing a reliable source of nutritious food for billions of people. It is also an important sector of the economy in many countries, providing jobs and supporting rural communities.

The Different Types of Dairy Farms

There are three types of dairy farms in Pakistan: small, medium, and large.

Small dairy farms: These have two to ten cows and produce about 1,000 to 2,500 liters of milk per day. The milk is sold locally in the village or town.

Medium dairy farms: These have 11 to 50 cows and produce about 2,501 to 12,500 liters of milk per day. The milk is sold to dairies or other processors.

Large dairy farms: These have more than 50 cows and produce more than 12,500 liters of milk per day. The milk is sold to dairies or other processors.

How much can you earn from a dairy farm in Pakistan?

Pakistan is an agriculture-based country and dairy farming is one of the main sources of income for small farmers. A dairy farm in Pakistan generally consists of 2 to 5 cows. The average yield per cow is around 2,000 liters per lactation period.

The milk production from a single cow ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 liters during its lactation period which lasts for about 305 days. The average price of milk in Pakistan is Rs. 40 per liter. So, the total income from a single cow can be anything between Rs. 60,000 to 80,000.

The cost of running a small dairy farm in Pakistan varies depending on the number of cows and other factors such as feed costs, veterinary expenses, etc. However, on an average, it would cost around Rs. 50,000 to 60,000 per month to maintain a small dairy farm with 2 to 5 cows. This means that the net profit from a small dairy farm in Pakistan can be anywhere between Rs. 10,000 to 20,000 per month.

How much money do dairy farmers make per cow?

On average, dairy farmers in Pakistan make around Rs. 30,000 per cow per year. However, this number can vary greatly depending on the size and productivity of the farm, as well as the price of milk in the market. Large farms with more productive cows can make much more than this, while small farms or those with less productive cows may make less.

The Costs of Dairy Farming

Dairy farming is an expensive business. The cost of buying and maintaining a herd of cows, as well as the cost of feed and other inputs, can be substantial. In addition, dairy farmers must invest in equipment and infrastructure to store and process milk.

In Pakistan, the cost of dairy farming varies depending on the size and scale of the operation. However, small-scale dairy farmers often struggle to make a profit due to high costs. Large-scale commercial dairy farms are better able to manage costs and generate a higher income.

The table below provides an estimate of the annual costs of running a small dairy farm in Pakistan:

Item Cost (in US dollars) Cows $1,200-$1,500 Feed $600-$900 Veterinary care $100-$200 Milk storage and processing $200-$300 Total $2,100-$3,000

As you can see, the costs of Dairy Farming can be significant. In order to make a profit, farmers must carefully manage their expenses and produce a high-quality product that consumers are willing to pay for.

10 Cow Dairy Farming in Pakistan: A Financial Breakdown

  1. Milk Production: The average milk production of a cow in Pakistan is around 10-15 liters per day. For a 10 cow dairy farm, this would mean a total milk production of 100-150 liters per day.
  2. Milk Price: The price of milk in Pakistan varies depending on the region and season. As of 2021, the average price of milk in Pakistan is around PKR 120 per liter.
  3. Monthly Income: Based on the above figures, the monthly income from a 10 cow dairy farm in Pakistan can be calculated as follows:
    • Total milk production per day: 100-150 liters
    • Total milk production per month (30 days): 3,000-4,500 liters
    • Monthly income at PKR 120 per liter: PKR 360,000 – PKR 540,000
  4. Expenses: The income from a 10 cow dairy farm will also be impacted by expenses such as feed, labor, and equipment. The cost of feed, for example, will depend on the type of feed and the market rate. Assuming a cost of PKR 50 per liter of milk produced, the monthly expenses can be calculated as follows:
    • Total milk production per month (30 days): 3,000-4,500 liters
    • The total cost of feed at PKR 50 per liter: PKR 150,000 – PKR 225,000
  5. Net Income: To calculate the net income of the 10 cow dairy farm, we can subtract the monthly expenses from the monthly income:
    • Monthly income: PKR 360,000 – PKR 540,000
    • Monthly expenses: PKR 150,000 – PKR 225,000
    • Net income: PKR 210,000 – PKR 315,000

Please note that the above figures are approximate and can vary based on various factors such as milk production, milk price, and expenses. However, this calculation can provide a rough estimate of the potential income from a 10 cow dairy farm in Pakistan.


The dairy industry in Pakistan is an important sector of the economy, contributing to both household incomes and agricultural production. However, small-scale farmers often face difficulties in accessing markets and generating sufficient income. This study provides valuable insights into the potential for cow dairy farming as a source of income for small-scale farmers in Pakistan. The findings suggest that there is significant potential for increased milk production and improved productivity on small farms. With proper support and investment, the dairy industry in Pakistan could provide a much-needed boost to the rural economy.

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