Nili Ravi Buffalo In Pakistan

Nili Ravi Buffalo In Pakistan: Their Benefits And Why They Are Very Popular

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a subspecies of water buffalo that is native to Pakistan. These buffaloes are prized for their milk production and are used in dairy farms all over the country. Nili Ravi buffaloes have many benefits, including their high milk production, their docile nature, and their resistance to diseases. They are also very popular among Pakistani farmers, as they are relatively easy to care for and provide a good source of income. If you are interested in learning more about Nili Ravi buffaloes and why they are so popular in Pakistan, read on!

What is the Nili Ravi Buffalo?

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a subspecies of the water buffalo that is found in Pakistan. It is named after the River Ravi, which flows through the Punjab province where the buffalo is found. The Nili Ravi buffalo is considered to be one of the best milking buffalo breeds in the world and is thus very popular among dairy farmers in Pakistan.

The Nili Ravi buffalo is particularly well-suited to the hot and humid climate of Pakistan. It has a large body with short, thick hair that helps it to withstand the heat. The Nili Ravi buffalo also has large, floppy ears that help to keep it cool.

The Nili Ravi buffalo produces high-quality milk that is rich in fat and protein. This makes it ideal for making butter, cheese, and other dairy products. The Nili Ravi buffalo is also known for its high fertility rate, which makes it an excellent choice for dairy farmers who want to increase their herd size quickly.

The different types of Nili Ravi Buffalo

Nili Ravi buffaloes are the most popular type of buffalo in Pakistan. They are known for their milk production and their hardy nature. Nili Ravis are also used for draught purposes.

There are two main types of Nili Ravi buffalo; the Riverine type and the Swamp type. The Riverine type is found near rivers and streams, while the Swamp type is found in marshy areas. Both types are equally suited to milk production.

Nili Ravis are well adapted to the Pakistani climate and can withstand hot summers and cold winters. They are also resistant to diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis.

Nili Ravis have good meat quality, making them popular for both meat and dairy production. The milk of Nili Ravis is high in fat and protein, making it ideal for making butter, cheese, and yogurt. The buffaloes also produce a high yield of manure, which is excellent for agricultural purposes.

The benefits of Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi Buffalo is a very popular breed of buffalo in Pakistan. They are known for their dairy production and their high-quality meat. The Nili Ravi Buffalo is also a very efficient converter of food into milk and meat. They have been bred for many years in Pakistan and have become one of the most important animals in the country.

The Nili Ravi Buffalo is an excellent source of income for farmers. They produce a large amount of milk and their meat is also very popular. The Nili Ravi Buffalo has a good temperament and is easy to handle. They are also resistant to diseases and pests.

The Nili Ravi Buffalo is a very important animal in Pakistan and has many benefits. They are a great source of income for farmers and provide high-quality milk and meat.

Why the Nili Ravi Buffalo is so popular in Pakistan

Nili Ravi buffalo is a popular breed of buffalo in Pakistan. The main reason for its popularity is its milk production. Nili Ravi buffalo produces more milk than any other breed of buffalo. It is also said to be very docile and easy to handle.

Other reasons for its popularity are that it is resistant to diseases, has good meat quality, and is able to adapt to different climates.

How to care for Nili Ravi Buffalo

Nili Ravi Buffalo are the most common type of buffalo found in Pakistan. They are known for their milk production and their ability to thrive in hot climates. Nili Ravi Buffalo are also very popular because they are easy to care for and require little maintenance.

When it comes to caring for Nili Ravi Buffalo, there are a few things that you will need to do. First, you will need to provide them with a clean and spacious environment. Nili Ravi Buffalo prefer to live in open areas so they can graze and roam freely. It is important to make sure that their living area is free of debris and has plenty of fresh water available.

Second, you will need to feed your Nili Ravi Buffalo a balanced diet. They should have access to fresh grass or hay, as well as a variety of grains and vegetables. You can also supplement their diet with minerals and vitamins if needed.

Third, you will need to exercise your Nili Ravi Buffalo on a regular basis. This will help them stay healthy and fit, as well as increase their milk production. fourth, you should provide your Nili Ravi Buffalo with regular veterinary care. This includes vaccinations, deworming, and routine check-ups. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your Nili Ravi Buffalo remains healthy and happy for many years to come.


Nili Ravi buffaloes are a very popular breed of buffalo in Pakistan and for good reason. They are known for their high milk production, which makes them an excellent choice for dairy farmers. They are also very strong and hardy animals, which makes them well-suited to the often harsh Pakistani climate. If you’re thinking about getting a Nili Ravi buffalo, be sure to do your research so that you can find a reputable breeder and get the best possible price.

Goat Farming in Pakistan

10 Tips For Building A Successful Goat Farming in Pakistan


The goat is a multi-purpose animal. Not only do they provide us with milk and meat, but their skin and hair can be used to make clothing, footwear, and other products. Goats are also known to be easier to take care of than other animals like cows. That’s why goat farming has become such a popular business in Pakistan over the last few years. If you’re thinking of starting your own goat farm, here are 10 tips to help you get started on the right foot.

What You Need to Start Goat Farming

If you’re thinking about starting a goat farm in Pakistan, there are a few things you’ll need to get started. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need:

-Land: You’ll need enough land to graze your goats and build shelter for them. If you don’t have your own land, you can lease land from a farmer or another landowner.

-Goats: Of course, you’ll need goats! You can buy goats from other farmers, online, or at livestock auctions. Be sure to get healthy animals from reputable sources.

-Feed and hay: Your goats will need access to fresh, clean water at all times. They’ll also need plenty of hay and fresh greens for roughage. You can grow your own feed, buy it from a feed store, or get it delivered from a hay company.

-Shelter: Goats need shelter from the sun, wind, and rain. You can build a simple shed or barn for them, or convert an existing structure on your property into goat housing.

-Fencing: A well-built fence is essential for keeping your goats safe and contained. Choose a fencing material that’s sturdy and easy to repair if needed.

Choose the Right Breed

There are many different breeds of goats in Pakistan, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some breeds are better suited for milk production, while others are better for meat production. Still others are better for fiber production. Choosing the right breed of goat for your farm is essential to your success as a goat farmer.

Do some research on the different types of goats available in Pakistan. Talk to other farmers and ask for their advice. Once you have decided on a few breeds that you think will be a good fit for your farm, visit a few local breeders and see the goats up close. Ask the breeders questions about the goats and their care requirements. Choose the breed of goat that you think will best suit your needs and your farm environment.

Consider the Climate

When choosing a location for your goat farm, it is important to consider the climate. The climate in Pakistan can be very hot and humid, so you will need to make sure that your goats have access to plenty of water and shade. Goat breeds that are well-suited to the Pakistani climate include the Black Bengal, Jamunapari, and Kaghani.

goats in Pakistan require fresh water and access to shelter from the sun. Choose a location for your farm that can provide these things for your goats. Breeds of goats that do well in Pakistan’s climate include the Black Bengal, Jamunapari, and Kaghani.

Get Your Land Ready

If you’re thinking of starting a goat farm in Pakistan, the first step is to get your land ready. Here are some tips to help you prepare your land for goats:

1. Choose a location that has plenty of grass and other vegetation for the goats to eat.

2. Make sure there is enough space for the goats to roam and exercise.

3. Provide shelter for the goats from the hot sun and cold weather.

4. Keep the area clean and free of debris that could harm the goats.

5. Talk to your local government officials about any permits or regulations you need to follow before setting up a goat farm on your land.

Build Good Fencing

Building good fencing is one of the most important aspects of successful goat farming in Pakistan. Goats are very active and curious animals, and if they are not properly fenced in, they will quickly escape and wander off. A good fence should be at least 6 feet tall and made of strong material that the goats cannot easily damage or push over. It is also important to have a gate that can be securely closed to keep the goats from getting out.

House Your Goats Properly

Goats are social animals and prefer to live in groups. A minimum of two goats is recommended, but four or more is ideal. If you have the space, it’s best to keep your goats in a pasture with plenty of room to roam. If you don’t have a lot of space, keeping them in a pen or barn is also an option. Just make sure they have plenty of room to move around and access to fresh water and hay.

One of the most important things you can do for your goats is to provide them with a comfortable place to sleep. Goats are very active and need a lot of exercise, so a spacious pen or pasture is ideal. However, if you don’t have the space for this, making sure they have access to a good amount of hay will help them stay healthy and active.

Another important consideration when housing your goats is protecting them from predators. Goats are prey animals and are often targeted by coyotes, foxes, dogs, and even cats. To keep your goats safe, it’s important to build a sturdy fence around their pen or pasture. The fence should be at least six feet tall and made of strong material that predators cannot easily break through or climb over.

Feed Your Goats a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet for your goats is essential to their overall health and well-being. There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your goats:

-Goats are browsers, not grazers. This means that they prefer to eat leaves, twigs, and other browse rather than grass. When possible, allow them access to browse or supplement their diet with hay.

-Goats are also very efficient at digesting roughage. This means that they can make use of food sources that other animals cannot, like weeds and shrubs. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh, green foliage for your goats to munch on.

-A healthy diet for goats also includes a source of calcium. This can be provided through fresh vegetables like kale or collards, or you can offer a small handful of crushed oyster shells as a treat.

-Finally, goats need access to fresh water at all times. Provide a clean water trough for them to drink from and clean it out regularly

Keep Your Goats Healthy

Goat farming is a profitable business in Pakistan. However, like any livestock business, there are certain risks and challenges associated with it. The most important thing you can do to ensure the success of your goat farm is to keep your goats healthy.

There are several things you can do to keep your goats healthy:

1. Provide them with clean water at all times. Goats need to drink around 8-10 litres of water per day. If their water source is dirty, they are more likely to contract diseases.

2. Feed them a balanced diet. Goats need a diet that includes hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of grain. You can also give them supplements if needed.

3. Keep their living area clean and free of debris. Goats are very susceptible to disease if their living conditions are not clean.

4. Get them vaccinated against common diseases such as rabies, foot-and-mouth disease, and chlamydia. Vaccinating your goats will help protect them from these diseases and will also help prevent the spread of these diseases to other animals and humans.

5. Regularly check your goats for signs of illness or injury and contact a veterinarian if you notice anything out of the ordinary. By catching illnesses early, you can treat them before they become serious health problems

Market Your Goat Products

There are a few things you can do to market your goat products successfully. First, consider what type of products you have to offer. Do you have milk, cheese, or meat? You can also sell breeding stock, wool, and other goat-related products.

Once you know what you have to sell, research your target market. Who is most likely to buy your products? Where do they live? What type of income do they have? Answering these questions will help you create a marketing strategy that targets your ideal customer.

Once you know who you want to target, it’s time to start marketing your products. You can use traditional marketing methods like print ads or billboards. Or, get creative and use social media or online advertising. Whatever marketing methods you choose, make sure you’re reaching your target audience.

Building A Successful Goat Farming in Pakistan

Goat farming is a popular and profitable business in Pakistan. Goats are raised for their meat, milk, and fiber. There are many different breeds of goats, but the most common in Pakistan are the Saanen, Toggenburg, and Alpine. Goat farming can be done on a small or large scale. If you have the land and the resources, you can start a goat farm with just a few goats. However, if you want to make it a more profitable enterprise, you will need to start with a larger herd. There are many factors to consider when starting a goat farm. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things to keep in mind when setting up your farm. We will also provide some tips on how to care for your goats and make sure they stay healthy and productive.

How can I make my goat farm successful?

There are a few key things you need to do in order to make your goat farming successful in Pakistan. First, you need to choose the right location for your farm. The climate and terrain of Pakistan is well-suited for goats, so you should have no problem finding a good spot for your farm. Once you have found a suitable location, you need to build strong and sturdy fencing to keep your goats safe and secure. Goats are notorious for escaping, so it is important that your fence is high and escape-proof.

In addition to choosing the right location and building a strong fence, you also need to breed high-quality goats. There are many different breeds of goats available in Pakistan, so do some research to find the best ones for your climate and terrain. You also need to be sure to provide adequate food and water for your goats. They require a lot of grazing space, so make sure you have enough land for them to roam freely. If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to Goat Farming Success in Pakistan!

Which breed of goat grows fastest in Pakistan?

As anyone in the goat business will tell you, there are many factors to consider when choosing which breed of goat to raise. But if you’re looking for a fast-growing breed, there are a few that stand out.

Boer goats are a popular choice for meat production, and they grow quickly. Another option is the Kiko goat, which is a New Zealand bred goat that is also known for its rapid growth. And last but not least, the Alpine breeds (like the Toggenburg and Saanen) are known for their high milk production, but they also grow quickly.

So if you’re looking for a fast-growing breed of goat, any of these three would be a good choice. Just be sure to do your research on each one to see which would be the best fit for your farm.

How do you raise a goat for profit?

There are a number of ways to raise goats for profit. One way is to start a goat dairy farm. Goat dairy farms require a large amount of space and a lot of goats in order to be successful. Another way to raise goats for profit is to start a meat goat farm. Meat goat farms require less space and fewer goats, but they still need to be well-managed in order to be successful. Finally, another way to raise goats for profit is to sell goat milk and cheese products commercially. This can be done on a smaller scale than starting a goat dairy farm, but it still requires careful management in order to be successful.


Goat farming can be a very successful venture in Pakistan, but there are some important things to keep in mind if you want to be successful. First of all, you need to make sure you have a good location for your farm. You also need to choose the right breed of goats and create a healthy environment for them. Finally, you need to market your goat products well in order to make a profit. Follow these tips and you will be on your way to success with goat farming in Pakistan!

How Many Types of Buffalo Found in Pakistan?

Pakistan is home to a variety of buffalo species. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of buffalo found in Pakistan and their characteristics. We will also touch on the importance of buffalo in Pakistani culture. There are six types of buffalo in Pakistan: the Asiatic water buffalo, the river buffalo, the swamp buffalo, the Kalij buffalo, the Nili Ravi buffalo, and the Himalayan tahr.

Overview of the buffalo population in Pakistan

According to a recent study, there are approximately 2.6 million buffaloes in Pakistan. The majority of these buffaloes (80%) are found in Punjab province, with the rest distributed among Sindh (12%), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (4%), and Balochistan (4%).

The buffalo is an important livestock animal in Pakistan, providing milk, meat, and draft power. Buffaloes are well-adapted to the hot, humid climate of Pakistan and can be found in a variety of habitats, including riverine floodplains, marshes, and wetlands.

The Pakistani buffalo population is primarily composed of the River buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), which is indigenous to the region. Other buffalo species found in Pakistan include the swamp buffalo (Bubalus carabanensis) and the Asian water buffalo (Bubalus arnee).

River buffaloes are well-suited to life in Pakistan’s hot climate and often graze on floodplain grasses. Swamp buffaloes are more common in eastern Pakistan and prefer wetter habitats such as marshes and wetlands. Asian water buffaloes are not as well-adapted to the climate of Pakistan and are typically only found in captive settings such as zoos or wildlife parks.

How many types of buffalo are in Pakistan?

There are two types of buffalo found in Pakistan, the River, and Swamp buffalo. The River buffalo is the larger of the two, with male adults weighing up to 990 kg. The Swamp buffalo is smaller, with male adults only reaching a weight of around 600 kg.

Which is the best variety of buffalo?

The best variety of buffalo is the Riverine buffalo. It is found in the Indus River valley and is the largest and heaviest of all the buffalo species. It has a shaggy coat and long, curved horns. The Riverine buffalo is an important livestock animal in Pakistan and is used for meat, milk, and draft work.

Which breed of buffalo is high yielding?

There are two main types of buffalo found in Pakistan: the River Buffalo and the Swamp Buffalo. The River Buffalo is the larger of the two and is high yielding in terms of milk production. The Swamp Buffalo is smaller and has a lower milk yield.

The different types of buffalo found in Pakistan

Buffalo are found throughout Pakistan, with different types in different regions. The most common type is the River buffalo, which is found in the Indus River basin. Other types include the swamp buffalo, found in the wetlands of Punjab and Sindh; the shaggy-haired buffalo, found in the mountainous regions of Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; and the wild buffalo, which roams the forests of Balochistan.

Buffalo is an important part of Pakistani culture and economy. They are used for their meat, milk, and hides, as well as for ploughing fields and transporting goods. Buffalo also plays a role in religious ceremonies, such as sacrifice during Eid-ul-Adha. With their importance to Pakistani society, it is no wonder that there are so many different types of buffalo in Pakistan!

Which buffalo is best for milk in Pakistan?

The native water buffalo of Pakistan is called the Nili-Ravi buffalo. It is considered to be one of the best buffaloes for milk production in Pakistan. The average milk yield of a Nili-Ravi buffalo is around 3,000 liters per lactation.

Otherbuffaloes breeds found in Pakistan include the Murrah breed from India and the Surti breed from Egypt. Both these breeds are also good for milk production. The average milk yield of a Murrah buffalo is around 2,500 liters per lactation, while that of a Surti buffalo is around 2,000 liters per lactation.



There are many different types of buffalo found in Pakistan, each with their own unique characteristics. Buffalo are an important part of Pakistani culture and economy, and they play a significant role in the country’s ecology. If you’re interested in learning more about these amazing animals, be sure to check out our list of the different types of buffalo found in Pakistan.

Nili Ravi Buffalo in Pakistan

Nili Ravi Buffalo in Pakistan

Have you heard of the Nili Ravi buffalo? This breed of water buffalo is one of the most sought after in Pakistan, and for good reason. Here, we’ll take a look at what makes this breed so special and why it’s become such an important part of the Pakistani farming industry.

Introduction to the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a breed of domestic water buffalo native to Punjab, India and Pakistan. It is known for its hardiness and adaptability, as well as its exceptional milk production. The Nili Ravi is considered the best dairy animal in the region, and it produces a higher yield of milk with lower fat content than other breeds. They are also popular for their strength and docility, so they are often used for ploughing, transportation and other agricultural work. The Nili Ravi buffalo has a solid black or dark brown coat with white markings on the forehead, muzzle and legs.

The home tract of the Nili-Ravi buffalo includes Lahore, Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Okara, Sahiwal, Pakpattan and Vehari districts of Central Punjab. Crossbreeding between these buffaloes has been done to improve their productivity; however some conservation efforts are being made to preserve pure breed lines. Genetic studies have been conducted on three different breeds to identify markers that can be used in breeding programmes.

Milk yields vary according to herd size, seasonality and lactation length; however overall yields remain high compared to other breeds due to their hardy nature. In order to maximize productivity from this breed it is important that farmers provide good nutrition and health care for their animals throughout their lifetime.

History of the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a breed of domestic water buffalo that originated in the Indus River Valley civilizations of India and Pakistan. It is known for its high milk yield, hardiness, and fertility. The Nili and Ravi breeds were recognized as separate until the merging of the two was accepted in the form of Nili-Ravi breed in the 1960s.

The body color of these buffaloes is usually black but brown is not uncommon. They are distributed principally across Pakistan and India, concentrated in the Satluj river basin on either side of India-Pakistan border.

A genomic study was conducted to identify genetic variability within this breed using 25 random 10-mer primers to distinguish between Nili, Ravi and Nile-Ravi buffaloes. Effects of herd size, age, season, lactation length on milk yield and reproductive efficiency were also studied for this breed. In recent years crossbreeding with other buffaloes has also been observed in order to improve milk production as well as conservation efforts related to this endangered species which faces threat due to loss of habitat caused by climate change and human activities such as overgrazing or overstocking pastures.

Characteristics of the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili-Ravi is a breed of domestic water buffalo that is primarily found in Pakistan and India. These buffaloes usually have an all-black coat with white markings on their forehead, face, muzzle, legs, and tail. They are characterized by their wedge shaped body, small curly horns, and wall eyes.

Nili-Ravi buffaloes are known to produce large quantities of milk; the average lactation yield being 2,020.04 kgs per buffalo. Studies have also revealed that this breed has high heritability estimates for production traits such as milk yield and body measurements.

Originating near the Sutlej River in India and Ravi River in Pakistan, the Nili-Ravi breed is considered one of the most important dairy buffalo breeds in Asia today. It is not only prized for its hardy nature but also its ability to thrive in diverse climates and adapt easily to local agricultural practices.

Uses of the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a popular breed of dairy buffalo found in Pakistan. It is known for its high milk production, making it an ideal choice for dairy farmers. The Nili Ravi buffalo has a black body with white spots on its forehead and the tip of its tail. The breed dates back to the Indus River, and is native to Mintgumri in Pakistan and Faisalabad in Punjab.

This breed of buffalo can be used for many purposes, but it primarily used for milk production. Its large size makes it an excellent source of protein-rich milk which can be used in various ways including drinking, making yogurt or cheese, or even used as fertilizer for crops. Additionally, this breed is also highly sought after by meat producers as it produces delicious meat with a high fat content.

Genetic markers have been developed to identify the Nili Ravi Buffalo’s DNA polymorphisms from different regions of the genome which allow researchers to more accurately assess traits related to productivity and reproductive efficiency. Studies have shown that herd size, year, age, season and lactation length all affect the yield and reproductive efficiency of the Nili Ravi Buffalo.

Overall, the Nili Ravi Buffalo is an excellent choice for those looking to increase their dairy production or obtain delicious meat products from this robust animal. With its high milk yield capacity and ability to reproduce efficiently due to genetic markers, the Nili Ravi Buffalos are sure to bring success to any farm or business that utilizes them properly!

Breeding and Reproduction of the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili-Ravi breed of buffalo is a river type of domestic buffalo, and is among the highest milk producing breeds of buffalo. It was born on March 5th, 1974 at Livestock Experiment Station Bahadarnagar in Pakistan.

A longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate the production and reproductive performance of this breed on smallholder dairy farms in the region. Data from 197 breeding records of 60 indigenous (Non-descript) cows were analyzed with regression techniques, with an average lactation milk yield of 2,020.04.

It has been found that herd, year, age, season and lactation length have an effect on milk yield and reproductive efficiency for this breed. The partitioning of the breeding tract between India and Pakistan has also had an impact on its reproduction performance.

Overall, the Nili-Ravi buffalo is a hardy breed that produces high yields of milk and is well suited to smallholder dairy farms in both India and Pakistan. With good management practices in place it can be a reliable source of income for those involved in livestock keeping activities in these regions.

Milk Production by the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi buffalo is native to Mintgumri in Pakistan and Ferozpur in Punjab. It has a black body with cat eyes, a white spot on its forehead, and a tip of the tail that is white. This breed of buffalo produces milk with an average yield of 1800-2500 litres per lactation during a 322 day period, with 6.5% butter fat content.

Studies have been conducted to determine the effects of herd, year, age, season, and lactation length on milk production and reproductive efficiency for the Nili-Ravi breed of buffalo. Monthly fat tests were used to estimate environmental effects for 895 lactations of Nili-Ravi buffaloes in the Livestock Production Research Institute herd. Results indicated that milk production by buffaloes of Nili-Ravi and Kundhi breeds was 2889 liters and 2375 liters per annum respectively. The total cost of milk production also varies depending on these factors.

Overall, the Nili Ravi Buffalo is an important source for dairy products in Pakistan due to its high milk yield and butterfat content as well as its affordability compared to other breeds.

Meat Quality Produced by the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi Buffalo is a popular breed of buffalo found in Pakistan, known for its high milk production. Not only are these buffaloes great producers of milk, but they also produce excellent quality meat which is much sought after. The majority of these buffaloes are reared on small farms with holdings of less than five hectares. Studies have shown that the Nili Ravi Buffalo produces better expression of carcass traits and more beef than the Kundhi Buffalo, while the latter is better in terms of beef production.

The Government Livestock Farms in Punjab have been recording the milk production potential of individual Nili-Ravi Buffaloes since long, indicating their extraordinary productivity. On an average, each Nili-Ravi Buffalo can produce over 28 litres per day – making them one of the highest milk producing breeds globally. Not just dairy, these buffaloes are also known for their superior meat quality and carcass traits, with studies indicating that they produce more beef than Kundhi Buffaloes. They are native to the region along the Sutlej River between India and Pakistan and are highly sought after across South Asia for both dairy and meat production.

In conclusion, it can be said that Nili Ravi Buffaloes produce top-notch quality meat with superior expression of carcass traits as compared to other breeds such as Kundhi Buffaloes. These animals have been a part and parcel of rural life in South Asia for centuries now due to their high productivity levels when it comes to dairy products as well as meat.

Distribution and Population in Pakistan

The Nili-Ravi water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is the most important dairy animal in Pakistan, contributing 68% to the country’s total milk production. This breed of domestic water buffalo is distributed mainly in Pakistan and India, with a large concentration in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. The population of buffaloes in Pakistan is estimated to be 41.2 million, with 65% present in Punjab. Population trend for this breed is positive and shows an increase since 2006 when it was included in the livestock census.

The main areas where Nili-Ravi water buffaloes are found are Lahore, Sheikhupura, Montgomery district (both in Pakistan) and Ferozepur district (India). Typical specimens can still be found in rural areas across the province. The current population of farm animals in Pakistan consists of 23.34 million buffaloes, 22.42 million cattle, 24.24 million sheep, 49.14 million goats and 0.77 million horses respectively. Herd life and causes of culling for these animals are also being studied to ensure their well-being and sustainability over time.

Conservation Efforts for the Nili Ravi Buffalo

The Nili Ravi buffalo is a unique, indigenous breed of water buffalo found in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It is known for its hardiness and resistance to disease, and has long been prized by farmers for its high-yielding milk production. In recent years, conservation efforts have been made to protect this valuable resource and ensure it remains part of the agricultural landscape in Pakistan.

In order to promote breeding and genetic improvement of the Nili Ravi buffalo, crossbreeding with other indigenous or exotic breeds has been undertaken in India. This has resulted in improved fertility and higher milk yields compared to purebred Nili Ravi buffaloes. In addition, genetic improvement programs have been launched across various parts of Pakistan which focus on selecting superior animals for breeding purposes.

Conservation efforts are also being made to protect the Nile River, which is home to the Nili Ravi breed. The river’s flow rate has increased due to increasing irrigation demands from farms along its banks, leading to higher temperatures which can stress out buffaloes during hot summer months. To mitigate this issue, sprinkler systems have been installed at certain locations along the riverbanks as part of an effort to cool down water buffaloes during hot weather periods.

Finally, research studies have also been conducted on semen quality and longevity from Nili Ravi buffaloes kept in different institutional herds across Pakistan. This research is aimed at ensuring good quality semen samples are available for artificial insemination purposes as well as preserving genetic diversity among these animals which will help maintain their population numbers over time.

Overall, conservation efforts for the Nili Ravi buffalo are ongoing with various initiatives being implemented both inside and outside Pakistan that

Challenges Facing The Conservation Of The NiliRaviBuffalo

The Nili-Ravi breed of buffalo is an incredibly valuable animal genetic resource in Pakistan, and is a main component of the dairy industry. Unfortunately, it is facing several challenges to its conservation. The increasing demand for water from irrigation sprinklers has resulted in the scarcity of groundwater, which is essential for the survival and reproduction of this breed. Additionally, the effects of herd size, age, seasonality, and lactation length on milk yield and reproductive efficiency have been observed to be significant. Furthermore, crossbreeding with other breeds such as Murrah has led to a decrease in native Nili-Ravi populations. In order to protect this breed from extinction, a systematic survey was conducted in Ferozepur, Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab to track their population numbers. In 1985 Buffalo Breeding Farm was established in Bagherhat where production and distribution of Nili-Ravi bulls among farmers took place. It is clear that these efforts are necessary in order to conserve this unique animal genetic resource for future generations through sustainable utilization.

Future Prospects For TheNiliravibuffalo

The Nili-Ravi buffalo is a breed of water buffalo native to Pakistan and highly valued for its milk production potential. In recent years, the breed has seen increasing use as a dairy animal in many parts of the world. While the breed is well-known for its high milk production, it has also been subject to certain reproductive issues that have hindered its further development. Despite these issues, there are still great prospects for the future of Nili-Ravi buffalo farming and production.

To ensure that this potential is fully realized, producers must take steps to address reproductive problems such as low fertility rates and short lactation periods. Through improved management techniques such as proper nutrition, environmental control and genetic selection, it is possible to increase fertility rates and enhance milk production capabilities in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Additionally, programs like progeny testing can identify superior individuals with desirable traits which can be used to create better breeding stock for future generations.

Furthermore, research into optimal calving intervals can help optimize milk yields from Nili-Ravis while also allowing producers to maximize their profits from the sale of calves and other byproducts such as hides and meat. This research could also lead to further advancements in dairy husbandry practices which could benefit all breeds of dairy animals across Pakistan.

In conclusion, while certain challenges exist in terms of reproductive efficiency among Nili-Ravi buffaloes, there is still great potential for improving milk yields through improved management techniques and selective breeding programs. With the right support from producers, researchers and policy makers alike this potential could be fully realized in order to benefit Pakistani farmers and consumers alike.

Recommendations For Increasing Population Numbers Of TheNiliravibuffalo

Increasing the population of Nili-Ravi buffaloes is essential for the sustainable development of Pakistan’s dairy industry. The Nili-Ravi buffalo is the best dairy animal in Pakistan, contributing 68% to total milk production. To increase the population numbers, a number of measures need to be taken. Firstly, there should be an improvement in herd management practices such as calving season, weight loss after calving, nutritional status and management. Secondly, effective disease control strategies should be implemented to prevent and manage diseases such as mastitis and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Thirdly, genetic selection programs should be used to improve fertility rates and milk fat percentage in order to increase productivity. Finally, carriers of FMD should be identified through testing and culled from breeding herds so that they can no longer spread the disease. By taking these steps it is possible to increase the population numbers of the Nili-Ravi buffalo in Pakistan and ensure its sustainable future in this region.


The study concluded that herd, year, age, season and lactation length have a significant effect on the milk yield of Nili-Ravi buffalo in Pakistan. It was found that the reproductive efficiency of Nili-Ravi buffalo is lower than potential. Moreover, it was also revealed that there is a need for supplementary fat to improve human nutrition in areas where starchy foods are highly depended upon. Lastly, it was highlighted that movement of Nili-Ravi germplasm outside the Indian subcontinent is needed to increase the productivity and profitability of these animals.

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Heat of Cattle | Heat of Cow | Heat of Buffalo

گائے بھینس کی گرمی کا توڑ۔۔۔

کیا آپ کی گائے یا بھینس گرمی کرتی ھے اور چارہ کھانا کم کردیتی ھے
تو یہ نسخہ ضرور استعمال کریں بار بار آزمایا ھوا ھے
تین پاو دودھ کو ابال کر نیم گرم کر لیں اور اس میں ایک پاو پیاز باریک کتر کر ڈال دیں اور اسے جاگ لگا کر دھی جمالیں
دھی جمنے کے بعد اس میں ایک پاو شکر اور ایک پاو سرسوں کا تیل ملا کر مدھانی چلا کر لسی بنالیں
یہ نسخہ دو جانوروں کے لیے ھے
متواتر ایک ھفتہ استعمال کریں
جانور گرمی نہیں منائیں گے انشاء اللہ دودھ کی پیداوار میں زبردست اضافہ ھوگا۔۔۔


بیسن سوگرام
شکر دو سو گرام
تخم ملنگا سو گرام
گلوکوز 50گرام
سب چیزوں کو پانچ سے چھ لیٹر پانی میں حل کرنا ہے حل کرکے یہ پانی جانور کو پلا دینا ہے
یہ نسخہ 7 سے 10 دن تک استعمال کریں
ان کو سرسوں کا تیل بھی دے سکتے ہیں لیکن اس میں یہ احتیاط کرنی ہے دو سو گرام سے زیادہ جانور کو نہ دیں یہ اتنا ہی تیل جانور ہضم کر سکتا ہے اس سے زیادہ تیل جانور ہضم نہیں کر پائے گا تو وہ ضائع ہوگا اور آپ کے پیسے بھی ضائع ہو جائیں گے